Biz news: London agency loses key figure

Biz news: London agency loses key figure


norman lebrecht

June 14, 2024

We hear that Lydia Connolly is leaving HarrisonParrott after 40 years. Her artists include Lisa Batiashvili, Randall Goosby, Osmo Vanska and Harry Christophers. Lydia (pictured) is the company’s head of inclusion and access.

She has not responded to requests for confirmation.


  • lucas says:

    A significant loss for HP

  • Has-been says:

    A wonderful person and a serious and effective agent. She will be missed.

  • Blackfriars says:

    The issue is that the younger generation of managers at major agencies like HP, Intermusica, and Askonas Holt are mediocre. They lack knowledge and experience but are entitled and impatient for success. They don’t invest time in refining their skills or developing their profiles. It’s no surprise that prominent figures are leaving these agencies for boutique options. This trend is just beginning. Stay tuned!

    • Has-been says:

      With respect, all of the senior managers were once young and inexperienced. They all achieved their success by hard work, trial and error and perseverance. Why not congratulate Lydia for her more than 40 years. As I understand it Lydia is not leaving for a ’boutique’ agency. She is leaving the business.

    • Ludwig's Van says:

      The artist-management community was never particularly stocked with rocket-scientists: Mediocrity in this field is nothing new. There were always a few fine agents at each firm, but they were more the exception than the rule. Any young artist who leaves their career completely in the hands of a manager is going to starve – it’s the pro-active artists working along with their agents who will survive.

  • Presenter says:

    She’s stepping down from a demanding role after FORTY years. I’m not sure why this is sparking such nefarious speculation. I’ve worked with Lydia for almost half of that time and she is one of the best there is (from my side as a presenter). Honest, dedicated, stellar taste, and a real desire to support especially young artists of color, in a field (management) which has been behind the curve.