Putin’s next best musical friend

Putin’s next best musical friend


norman lebrecht

June 14, 2024

President Vladimir Putin honoured bass singer Ildar Abdrazakov at the Russian Federation National Awards on Wednesday.

Abdra, a pal of Gergiev and the Netrebkos, told Putin: ‘”Vladimir Vladimirovich, thanks to you, I started playing hockey.’

Putin said: ‘Today’s event, the award ceremony, is just one stage of our common work. We need to work in all directions.’


  • Tiredofitall says:

    Talk about selling your soul.

    Ildar has essayed both the Gounod and Berlioz Mephistopheles to great acclaim, but he seems to not have left the devil in the theater.

    At this point, there is no redemption for Ildar’s obsequiousness. Will his profiteering be worth the price when all is said and done?

  • John Borstlap says:

    Profoundly disgusting.

  • Ed says:

    “Singer meets with president of his country”. Riveting story…

  • Lothario Hunter says:

    Muti – a recipient of Putin’s Order of Friendship award – loves the Putin bass.

    According to many reports, the Great Putin Bass (aka Abdrazakov) was Muti’s star of choice for the gala concluding in glory the Ravenna Festival at the end of 2023.


    Reports say it ended with OVATIONS!! Who’s to say the Putin Bass is banned in the West? He sings with Muti and they receive OVATIONS together!!!
    Muti has the power and moral authority to legitimize the Putin Bass (aka Abrazakov), we all agree with that. Who cares if Muti made a skit condemning the Ukraine invasion some time ago? No serious person I know believed that, and it’s water under the bridge anyway. In addition, the Italian Maestro has won the RUSSIAN ORDER OF FRIENDSHIP, conferred to him by Putin. This fantastic Putin award has always been one of Muti’s favorite awards and he wanted his fans to know about it: it was printed on the CSO program books for years (between the Queen award, and the Pope award); it was reported in this great Muti profile article: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/opera/8386177/Riccardo-Muti-a-profile.html

    Here is a nice pic of Muti and Putin: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vladimir_Putin_with_Riccardo_Muti-1.jpg

    Muti has also been nominated honorary member of the RUSSIAN ACADEMY FOR THE ARTS, presided by Tsereteli, the sublime artist who sculpted the statue of Putin dressing in a kimono. A nice pic of of the Putin statue should be viewed here:
    According to reports, in March 2014 Tsereteli signed a letter in support of the position of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on Russia’s military first intervention in Ukraine. Tsereteli was supporting the Ukraine invasion even back in 2014! He’s a nice guy, his awards are to be treasured! I, for one, would love to get an award from Tsereteli.

    Nice pic of Muti with the Russians here, at the Russian embassy in Vienna, at the end of 2021, just a couple of months before the war started, when the award was conferred!!

    Who can boast to have received awards from both Putin and Tsereteli? As far as I know, our beloved Muti can! Not many others!

    Muti also famously invited Gergiev to conduct his shiny toy, the Cherubini orchestra!! Muti and Gergiev were quite the couple in the Ravenna Festival!

    Long live Muti, Putin, and Russia!

    • thornbird says:

      Do you try to recommend the singer who really knows how Filippo could have felt? The dialogue with Rodrigo is killingly relevant.

      • Anon says:

        Simply trying to call some attention to the fact, that Mr. Abdrazakov is still being engaged by Teatro San Carlo.

  • Warum says:

    Center Stage Artist Management hat Ildar Abradazakov seit gestern oder heute von seinem Dienstplan gestrichen. Warum haben sie damit bis jetzt gewartet?

  • Tom Phillips says:

    Yet another barbarian just like the vast majority of Russians worldwide purely genetic evil.

  • Sadness says:

    He cheerfully shared pictures of him shaking hands with the psychopath that is doing everything he can to throw us all in World War III. Doing so now, at this stage, with this unjustifiable war of aggression against a sovereign country happening for more than two years already… It’s loathsome. His career in Europe and in the United States is over. I feel really, really upset over this. Ildar is an outstanding singer and artist. Truly off the charts. Easy to work with. Humble. Always a nice man. It’s just beyond me how a person and artist like him could have made such an abominable choice. I try and try to understand and yet can’t. I sincerely hope he changes his mind in the very near future – as unlikely as this sounds right now.