Swedes hire ex-ENO chief

Swedes hire ex-ENO chief


norman lebrecht

June 13, 2024

The former music director of English National Opera, Martyn Brabbins, has been named chief conductor of Malmö Symphony Orchestra in Sweden.

Brabbins, 64, resigned from ENO last year over cuts to the orchestra and chorus enforced by Arts Cancel England (ACE).



  • msc says:

    Lucky Malmo.

  • Una says:

    A great appointment. Pity we couldn’t have looked after Martyn a bit better and not just knock our own all the time, particularly with ACE cuts.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Intelligent choice. Martyn is a superb conductor and human being.

  • Thomas M. says:

    Congratulations. A fine conductor of great integrity, which is rare today (cough, Mäkelä).

  • Mick says:

    Well done Martyn, you’re a STAR!

  • Andrew Constantine says:

    Bravo Martyn! Well played Malmo!

  • Alejandro Vidal says:

    Congtratulations, Martyn! I took advantage of a work trip from Colombia to London in May to attend the Total Immersion concert conducted by Brabbins, where the BBC SO played Berio’s Sinfonia and other Italian modernistic pieces. By far, it was the best thing I did during my trip, in particular because it was my first live performance of this kind of music, after years of listening to it.

  • Paul Lithander says:

    We are the lucky ones in Malmö. Great conductor.
    Friend of MSO