More than 220 composers apply for Finn prize

More than 220 composers apply for Finn prize


norman lebrecht

May 31, 2024

Almost 230 compositions from 37 nationalities were submitted for Finland’s Uuno Klami Composition Competition. The highest number of entries came from Italy, Finland, Germany, Britain and Spain.

The selected finalists are
Yves Balmer, 45 (France/Switzerland): Stiacciato

Jonathan Brigg (pic), 39 (Britain): Reflektor

Matei Gheorghiu, 39 (Romania/Finland): From the Village of Nowhere (piano concerto)

Dawid Grenda, 21 (Poland): you dream in a language i can’t understand

Roberto Sansuini, 57 (Italy): FLOW (flute concerto)


  • zandonai says:

    I’m surprised no asians or women.
    I hope these guys can write hummable tunes and beautiful melodies — something sorely lacking in today’s new music.

  • Michael says:

    Come on Norman, be consistent and slam the organisers for ignoring the “national interest” and shortlisting foreigners, including a Brit, ahead of the Finns ….