Death of a classical magazine editor
RIPWe have been notified of the death from cancer of Máire Taylor, founding editor of International Record Review and its guiding spirit for 15 years.
Before that, she worked at Gramophone.
Martin Anderson writes: Sad news. Those of you who remember International Record Review (last issue April 2015) May also recall its excellent editor, Máire Taylor, who accompanied Barry Irving when he left Gramophone to set the magazine up. I wrote for IRR from the start, and was always happy to know that my copy would pass through her capable hands before it appeared in print. After IRR folded, Máire joined the Toccata team, as freelance editor and volunteer proofreader, and constantly arrested infelicities on their way into print — she was good! My past tense means you already know what I am going to say: Máire died on Tuesday of last week (14 May), from what seems to have been cancer of the bile-duct. Her daughter gave me the news at the weekend, but I have been hoping that she might have been able to send me a photo I could post. The camera-shy Máire seems to have been one of those people who do good in the background — but do good she did. Over the 20+ years we worked together, we also became good friends, and I shall miss her.