Concertmaster steps down

Concertmaster steps down


norman lebrecht

May 16, 2024

The Virginia Symphony Orchestra has bestowed the title Emeritus on its concertmaster for 31 years, Vahn Armstrong.

Vahn will move sideways to occupy the third chair of the First Violin section.


  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    I did some architectural planning in Norfolk about 25 years ago and heard the Virginia Symphony. Mr Armstrong was indeed a most debonair concertmaster. He performed the Prokofiev No. 1,
    if I remember.

    That area of Virginia is a mixed bag culturally. Perhaps things have improved

    • MWnyc says:

      I think things have improved (or, at least, had improved until COVID). Certainly the Hampton Roads area (Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Newport News, etc.) is more populous and wealthier than it was 25 years ago.

  • John Borstlap says:

    In 1877 Brahms had a short illegitimate affair with a married American woman who visited Vienna on a European holiday tour, while her husband spent every night at the opera for which she did not care much. Since then, B’s DNA has quietly spread through the US, undetected.

  • R. Williams says:

    My teacher (30 years ago)! I hope he is well❤️

  • Allma Own says:

    Is Pavel Ilyahov taking over as Concertmaster, then?

    • Guest 123 says:

      I think Pavel was booted for being an alcoholic and terrible player. His musical prowess was self-described with lots of delusions of grandeur.

  • Michael Ferril says:

    I think he went to Juilliard with me late 70’s early 80’s what a great he was then too!