Dalia gets a year’s extension

Dalia gets a year’s extension


norman lebrecht

April 12, 2024

The town of Lahti has granted Dalia Stasevska one more year as principal conductor of its orchestra and artistic director of the Sibelius Festival.

The Ukrainian-Finn is also principal guest at the BBC Symphony and shortlisted as music director for two US orchestras. She won’t be a statistic among Finland’s unemployed.


  • No to racism says:

    I will never be tired of this promotion on slippedisc. I wonder why CSO didn’t take her. Are these two orchestras: Berlin Phil and Vienna Phil?

  • Contractor says:

    The “one-year extension” is a courteous but firm way of removing someone.

  • Nora says:

    Soon to be in LA?…….

  • ML says:

    Dalia does conduct Sibelius well- I have enjoyed the performances she conducted. This no doubt benefits audiences and performers at the Festival, but there are also lots of other festivals and engagements out there. See you at the Proms, Dalia!