NY Philharmonic board member is arrested for child porn

NY Philharmonic board member is arrested for child porn


norman lebrecht

April 02, 2024

Media in Princeton, New Jersey, are reporting that Roy ‘Trey’ Farmer was arrested and charged on March 22 with possession of child sexual abuse material.

Farmer, 53, is listed as president of Princeton University Glee Club Foundation and of Queer Princeton Alumni, active as a singer and a pianist. He also serves as ‘Roy (Trey) D. Farmer III’ on the board of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

Other music connections have been taken down from the internet.


  • henry williams says:

    do they not check peoples

  • william osborne says:

    Ironic, given the recent major sexual scandal in the New York Phil. Allegations of a drug rape of a colleague and the apparently bungled handing of the situation by the administration.

    • Sisko24 says:

      (Just askin’): is it ironic or symptomatic?

    • Anon says:

      That didn’t happen.

    • No glee says:

      Not ironic, consequence of.

      Since losing the arbitration in which the Philharmonic had to reinstate the 2 fired players with full back pay, it has little room to ignore due process and presumption of innocence of its board members so that they have to keep *alleged* child pornographers on the board and on their website for all to see. (I wonder how he voted as Board member relating to the arbitration of the 2 *alleged* drug rapists.)

      On the other hand, for the Princeton, Harvard, Yale glee clubs, on the other hand, it’d be the kiss of death to be associated with even an *alleged* gay pedophile.

      What I don’t understand is why is this guy on so many boards, including no less the NY Philharmonic?? Has anyone ever heard of him in either financial or musical circles?? He seems to be, at most, a prolific Ivy League glee club singer, is that a thing?

      • justsaying says:

        “it has little room to ignore due process and presumption of innocence”

        Your proposal is that those things should be ignored?