Death of two influential string teachers

Death of two influential string teachers


norman lebrecht

February 20, 2024

Giora Schmidt informs us of the passing of the Australian-American pedagogue Geoffrey Michaels (pictured), at the age of 79.

Giora writes: He was my private teacher in Philadelphia during my high-school years (age 14-16). An absolute genius. Sadly not widely-recognized nearly enough, but for those that value fiddle playing in the grand tradition of Zimbalist, Shumsky et al, Geoffrey must be placed in that lineage. Not a day goes by in my playing or teaching that I don’t think of or reference something that he shared with me from our years of working together. Complete and utter self-effacing dedication to the music combined with a fascination and love of great violin playing. Truly an individual.

Eckart Runge announces the death of cello teacher Edmond Baert, aged 90: Meeting Edmond when I was 17 and becoming his pupil was one of the greatest fortunes in my life, one that has marked me to this day.

His great musical, cello- and life wisdom will remain exemplary for me, as will his generosity, humor and positivism. He used to say to me with a wink, when I was playing out of tune: ‘…c’est presque juste!’ (it’s nearly in tune)

For the past 40 years, I’ve been able to see him very regularly and enjoy his typical smile, which was as mischievous as it was reassuring, and which always truly warmed my heart.
Thank you for everything, dear Edmond.


  • Algot says:

    That photo is Ivry Gitlis, n’est-ce pas?

  • Oliver says:

    Isn’t this a picture of the late Ivry Gitlis?

  • cello says:

    Edmond Baert was a major cello teacher, and such a positive figure for the cello in Belgium and beyond.
    See here (in French), and enjoy his playing in the link in the article

  • Giora Schmidt says:

    Photo fixed. Thank you, Norman for sharing.

  • Allma Own says:

    Geoffrey Michaels was a professor of violin, and conducted the orchestra at Haverford College for many years, and maintained a string quartet with colleagues. That is how I met him, he was conducting the Copland Clarinet Concerto.