Lyniv tells Vienna: It’s me, or Currentzis

Lyniv tells Vienna: It’s me, or Currentzis


norman lebrecht

February 04, 2024

The Ukrainian conductor Oksana Lyniv has told the Vienna Festival she won’t perform in the same framework as the Kremlin-backed Greek conducto Teodor Currentzis.

‘I won’t answer for 150 musicians coming from a war zone to be placed in context with Currentzis,’ she told Axel Brüggemann.

Lyniv is due to perform  “Babyn Jar” by Jevhen Stankovych with the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra in the festival while Currentzis conducts Britten’s War Requiem with the SWR orchestra.

At last, a conductor with integrity.


  • A.L. says:

    Yes at last. Good for her for standing her ground amid a business plagued by corruption, opportunism, dishonesty and, last but not least, despair.

    • Ben says:

      One could add cynicism: the Vienna Festival is actually selling a “Requiem Abo” (a Requiem subscription) pairing Lyniv’s concert with Currentzis’s.

      So I think she does have reason to object. And Brian’s comment below — that she is a “virtue-signaling non-entity” attacking in order to promote her own career — is unfair.

      Separately, Currentzis is conducting the War Requiem in June in Stuttgart, Freiburg, Dortmund and Hamburg,
      as well as Vienna, to close out his SWR tenure.

  • Renato says:

    She is a toughy and this is her way to conduct. Hmmm….did not like her Chenier…..and more. But it is hard to tell what to do.

  • L. says:

    We stand with Ukraine. Always.

  • Alviano says:

    Forget Ukraine. Currentzis is a fraud, a Potemkin village of a conductor.

  • william osborne says:

    Interesting that Babi Yar and the Requiem are two of the most profound anti-war works ever written. And each conducted by a conductor from the opposing side from the two composers.

  • Emil says:

    Whoever booked Currentzis to perform the War Requiem has a particularly warped sense of humour.

  • better without her says:

    Currentzis is coward, vain without end, not a very talented conductor, but at least an interesting artist. She is stupid, a very bad conductor, not a good musician, has only made her career with outside help, and is insanely uptight. i could very well do without her.

  • Brian says:

    She has integrity where talent is actually required. Maybe that’s mean, but I am sick of these virtue-signaling non-entities who attack others in order to promote their own careers. If there wasn’t a war in Ukraine, no one would know or care who she is.

  • RW2013 says:

    Not Shostakovich – “Babyn Jar” by Jevhen Stankovych.

  • A.G. says:

    It would be great if this courageous and ethical stance was applied to musicians from all countries.

    So let’s see… Say, what is the current legal status of the US troops in Syria? UNO mandate, invitation by government? No? Only some US-defined arguments and US laws? Sorry, that’s not enough; by the definitions of international law, the USA is an aggressor and occupier in Syria.

    Which means: sorry, musicians from anywhere who perform in the USA, or are employed or funded by US organizations: you’re not welcome to play anywhere outside the USA for the time being. Same applies to musicians from USA; unless, of course, they publicly denounce their government.

    (Actually, I wonder why this hasn’t been applied since long, just think Afghanistan, Libya, and so on and so on. The US are a bit of a serial offender.)

    There are of course more countries who blatantly violate international law. But one can’t do everything at once. We started with Russia, we continue with USA, then we expand to the next rogue country — let’s go step by step.

    I anticipate strong support from all the commenters here. Surely no one wants to admit to being a hypocrite?

  • Mick the Knife says:

    If she chooses to politicize music, she should step aside. Will anyone miss her?

  • Serge says:

    A conductor who does not care for art or music, only herself.

    Next, please.

  • operacentric says:

    Good for integrity. Good for morals. BUT promoters are about selling tickets and making money. Who sells more tickets – Currentzis or Lyniv? That’s how it will be determined.

  • Arnold says:

    I prefer Currentzis
    She is such a boring conductor

  • Kenny says:

    And of course she makes her Met debut on 2/28….

    • kaa says:

      Just what you expect !! Gelb should have hired his wife, a much better conductor. I guess I will wait until Marco Armiliato takes over in May to see Turandot

  • Hildegard says:

    GOOD ON HER!!!

    Currentzis “conducting” the War Req… what a cruel joke.