Maestros and their motor cars (15): Shostakovich takes Mravinsky for a Tour d’Eiffel

Maestros and their motor cars (15): Shostakovich takes Mravinsky for a Tour d’Eiffel

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

January 29, 2024

This is Paris, September 1960.

The unseen passengers are KGB men.

photo: Dieter Nagl


  • Steve says:

    If this is Paris, isn’t Shostakovich one of the passengers? Unless the photo has been reversed.

  • P. Terry says:

    Yes, not “his” car, obviously.

  • John Kelly says:

    I remember when the Leningrad Philharmonic came to Leeds in 1978 with a young Mariss Jansons. Two KGB operatives stood on the front of the stage at the extreme right and left for the whole first half (Prokofiev Classical Symphony and Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with Tretyakov). They glared at the audience throughout. Ain’t Communism great?

  • marmer says:

    This is probably a 1957 Peugeot 403, based on the door trim and the lack of a front vent window.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    A Russian had a car???!!!!!!