Biz news: Alondra gets a US agent

Biz news: Alondra gets a US agent


norman lebrecht

January 07, 2024

The veteran ex-CAMI fixer Doug Sheldon has taken on US and Canada representation for the international Mexican conductor Alondra de la Parra.

Sheldon Artists is pleased to announce the addition of conductor Alondra de la Parra to its roster, for representation in the United States and Canada. A gifted and charismatic communicator, de la Parra has generated attention on the international stage for nearly twenty years.


  • Herr Doktor says:

    Alondra is hoping her new agent will get her the opportunity to conduct the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in Brahms’ 6th symphony.

  • Odysseus says:

    Oh look! Her rich family wrote another check to someone for her to continue pursuing her hobby. I think she needs to conduct Marquez’s Danzon a few more times. She doesn’t do that one enough.

  • RW2013 says:

    “gifted and charismatic communicator” who has “generated attention”.
    Sheldon Artists quietly avoids any mention of conducting skills.

  • Couperin says:

    I wish my dad could buy ME a conducting career! It’s not fair! Hmph!

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    Some might say this photo encapsulates the best of Alondra: She’s facing the exits.

  • WU says:

    Her “Silvesterkonzert” with TOZ Zurich (30/12/23) was excellently and exciting (with perfect repertoire for the occasion and for her – Chavez – Piazzola – Gerswhin – Bernstein) and the audience in Zurich is not so easy to inspire — so her concert turned out to be the exact opposite of the giant and well polished sleeping pill that Thielemann served 01/01/24 (in contrast to which Welser-Möst could be considered an incarnation of a fiery temperament last year). Thielemann achieved that the Radetzky March sounded more like a limp shepherd’s song, which is also an “achievement” in itself.

  • Herr Doktor says:

    It seems to me the comments of “Bayridgemaestro” and “WU” suggest that Sheldon Artists is already fully engaged on the task at hand. Bravo! – it’s always wonderful to see the machine working its magic.

    And WU, it’s wonderful to know that Maestra de la Parra excels at in essence pops music that is not anyone’s definition of the core repertory. Based on what I’ve seen on YouTube performances, the problem for ADLP appears when she tries to tackle any of the rest of it.

    • ABC - Spain says:

      Alondra seems to be very interested in finding a directorship in Spain. Her agents are working very hard to find her a position in Spain… not an easy task because she is, in general, not liked by orchestra musicians. About a year ago, the left-wing government (lead by Iceta, a Minister of Culture without any art and culture knowledge, and with no studies) wanted her to be the first female conductor of the Spanish National Orchestra (ONE), but the musicians and audiences protested, and the current music director, David Afhkam – had got his contract extended. Her manager managed to get her a new production of Turandot at Liceu as an obvious way way to introduce her to the orchesta (with a view of her being shortlisted as next MD), but the specialist media was so critical with her work that that possibility can be ruled out. Now rumour has it she is trying in Madrid again, this time with the ORCAM.

  • Couperin says:

    I think I’ve said it before on here, but one of the times I performed under her baton, she got lost in a 4/4 pattern during one of those danzon numbers. Literally was conducting beat one on beat two. There was a percussion ostinato going! The clave player didn’t know WHAT the heck to do!

    • Gordan says:

      Thanks a lot for this precious information , I will have to play Shostak 5 as a concertmaster soon with her.
      Should I bring her a booklet , How to count Couperin style on rehearsal? 6/8 instead of 3/4? Or just rely on my colleges who anyway takes music, beat, conductor or anything else with such a smile?