BBC News can’t even show the right opera house

BBC News can’t even show the right opera house


norman lebrecht

December 06, 2023

From conductor Jamie Phillips:

This is what they should have shown:


  • Observing2 says:

    If the bbc can’t even get this right, how they expect us to believe any of their major world political stories?

    A once reputable news source, the BBC is slowly becoming as reliable and accurate as the Daily Express.

  • Guessed again says:

    The showing of the interior of the London Coliseum in the next shot did nothing to reduce my blood pressure as I yelled at the TV. Fired off a comment to the BBC. No point in making a full complaint as it would only result in a cut-&-paste, off-the-shelf, corporate speak, platitudinous response. Still, the London news room should have known better. Slack and unprofessional. Even Sophie Raworth should have spotted it!

  • Mr Peter Feltham says:

    Why don’t our useless politicians rid us of these prejudiced,overpaid,privilaged parasites once and for all.We criticize the americans relentlessly but we could do worse then to take a leaf out of their book and have our own Public Broadcast Service,which is excellent.

    • BBC Employee says:

      If you worked at the BBC you would know that we are not overpaid, nor are we privilEged (spelling), and we are actually quite often abused by higher management to get things done quickly no matter the inaccuracy or clumsiness of the final product.

      But nice to know that we employees of the Beeb are viewed with the same ire as our public figureheads. Thanks for your support.

      • Guessed again says:

        No wonder I’m working unpaid for the BBC regularly sending grammar and spelling error reports to the e-mail, if that’s their attitude. I do know that not all BBC staff are overpaid, being the relative of a former BBC employee of 37 years who would be turning in her grave to know how bad things have become. Unfortunately, however, it’s the high-profile pay of higher management and the so-called ‘talent’ that sticks in gullets and raises hackles and you all get tarred with the same brush.

      • Anthony Sayer says:

        You are on the inside. Try to change things from there, because we’re all hoarse from screaming in the desert.

        • BBC Employee says:

          Why don’t you stop screaming in the desert, and come down to Broadcasting House where I’ll show you who to scream at properly.

      • Jill White says:

        Biased, crooked, .load of wokes. Overpaid and oblivious to seedy goings on. Gary liniker is an overpaid plonker who thinks he’s mother thereasa in drag. Pompous hypocrite. We pay for boreing men like him

  • Barry says:

    I’m surprised they covered it at all.

    • V.Lind says:

      Some poor moke, like the employee who contributed here, brought the idea to a news meeting and some other working stiff — we are looking at the level of news producer, line-up editor, etc. — decided that this was news worth putting out there.

      And then someone in film research made a mistake. Yes, worth noting, critically. Like they never happen around here.

      • Maria says:

        They made a right mess moving the BBC from London to Salford. A early morning Radio 3 presenter, and a colleague of mine for many years, I suddenly met one Friday afternoon on the tram platform at Manchester Piccadilly on his way to Salford. I asked what he was doing in Manchester Piccadilly, and he said he used to get in his car, drive down the road very early in the morning for a rehearsal of his breakfast show going out at 8am on Radio 3, done and dusted, and be at home well in time to cook lunch. Now it’s a train up to Manchester, the tram to Salford on a Friday lunchtime, and an overnight stay, and the whole thing in reverse on a Saturday to come back to North London, all paid for on expenses. Just stupid!

        • V.Lind says:

          There are some obvious choices here. And if the choice is to continue to live where he prefers, which is not unreasonable, and to keep his job, which he presumably likes, rather than either move or look for work elsewhere, a once-weekly commute that is far from taxing and is paid for seems a small price to pay. At least for him.

          By covering his expenses the BBC has removed his need to make choices — which he would if they suddenly decided not to pay them. Which would be well within their rights. And a better way to cut back on expenditure, in my view, than to shred programming. How many whingers are being paid expenses so they can keep their Salford-based jobs and continue to live in London?

        • Liz says:

          Oh dear, she had to go to Salford from North London? Are we meant to be sympathetic? Why could she not move with the job, as the rest of us have to? Instead of spending vast sums on expenses indulging these people, the BBC should have sacked the lot and replaced them with freelancers who would have happily moved to Salford.

  • Em says:

    someone seems eager to criticize the bbc….
    right now…

    • Una says:

      Yes, because we all saw what happened to the BBC when it moved from London W1 1AA to Salford, and presenters not willing to move up north with kids in schools in London or Kent, and a husband or a wife with a good job, and the chance of other employment in London if it all fell apart. So now an inferior Breakfast programme on BBC1, and Arts Council of England who are just a bunch of idiots.

  • Cynical Bystander says:

    Well, many in Langham Place don’t know where Media City is, other than somewhere to be avoided if at all possible.

  • tif says:

    This is all nonsense. Smoke and mirrors. Everyone at ENO knows this is just ACE trying to save face. ENO will surely be down scaled. A combination of the lack of recent quality and powerful leadership that could stand up to government and ACE has allowed ACE to ridicule and marginalise ENO, despite their success in ticking the boxes that ACE demanded and the global need to revitalise opera as a medium. The hand fisted mess that ACE made in their ‘Manchester Announcement’ truly backfired. Huge pressure behind the scenes has made ACE backtrack. ENO will move to Manchester in name and spin only to save face. Nothing will come out of Manchester or go there. Only some suits will move there or be created there to look like ACE has succeeded . ENO will remain in London but as a shadow of its former self.

    • Maria says:

      It will just put Opera North in jeopardy as a result, who are struggling and been cut back anyhow – the very thing they created with Lord Harewood as ENON. ENO is already a shadow of its former self since I started going in 1970 with its double chorus, and touring to New York with Gloriana in 1983.

      • tif says:

        ENO’s fake move to Manchester will have no impact on ON..Sadly they have not been on the international map for quite a while. No company is anything like they were in the 70’s (not necessarily a bad thing) but ON hasn’t been a player for many years. ENO’s demise since the Jonas then Berry years has been rapid. Not fully the fault of current management, more a case of a total dismantlement of culture in the UK by a not fit for purpose ACE and a broken government who seem to actively hate culture.

  • Maria says:

    So what did they show if it wasn’t right?

  • Rustier Spoon says:

    Looks remarkably like the Royal Opera House to me, even has their flags outside, it MUST be the ROH!