Vienna Opera calls for release of Gaza hostages

Vienna Opera calls for release of Gaza hostages


norman lebrecht

November 03, 2023

The institution has flashed the message in Israeli colours, blue and white.


  • May says:

    I agree. First step towards peace. Swap ALL hostages and prisoners from both sides.

  • Jonathan Sutherland says:

    Commendable and unexpected political stance but why wasn’t “Slava Ukraini” flashing from Das Haus am Ring 618 days ago?

    • Gunther says:

      It was.

    • Dixie says:

      Good question! Let me take a guess: No Israeli nor Palestinian singers are under contract with the Haus am Ring. That was definitely not true as regards Russian and/or Ukranian singers 618 days ago. Why not ask Director Roscic and see what his excuse is?

    • A. N. Historian says:

      Because that’s historically a fascist slogan used by Nazi collaborators in Ukraine during WW2, it would be completely inappropriate especially on a national institution in Vienna of all places. Of course many politicians bandy the phrase around anyway, unaware of the unsavory history behind it.

      • Jonathan Sutherland says:

        I accept A.N. Historian’s historical perspective of the term “Slava Ukraini”.
        However since 24th February 2022, the shibboleth has taken on a much broader meaning as a universal expression of support for the independence of Ukraine against the brutal Russian invasion ordered by Vladimir Putin.
        On 14th March 2022 Peter Gelb publicly used the phrase at the Metropolitan Opera Gala Concert for Ukraine.
        It seems the Serbian Wiener Staatsoper Intendant Bogdan Roščić is unwilling to do the same.
        Would that have anything to do with not wishing to ruffle the capacious feathers of the Russian-born/ Austria-domiciled diva Donna Anna perchance?

  • TruthHurts says:

    That will no doubt intimidate the terrorists! But the company risks losing all their Hamas subscribers.

  • Madeleine Richardson says:

    Nice to see that least one European institution has the guts to make a stand but then the Ottoman Empire was halted by the Battle of Vienna. Moslems have been trying to conquer Europe for centuries starting with Spain.

  • V.Lind says:

    I find it interesting that whenever an individual artist expresses a political view he or she is usually accused of grandstanding “as if his/her opinion matters more than anyone else’s” but when institutions (made up of and/or representing artists) speak out, it is praised.

    I have no more objection to Vienna Opera taking a stand than I do to Angelina Jolie addressing a Congressional committee on some humanitarian issue.

    • Dixie says:

      What are you trying to do? Mix apples and oranges and get a kind of fruit cocktail? Angelina Jolie is serious regarding her committment to working on humanitarian issues. Bogdan Roscic’s reluctance to take firm stand after the invasion of the Ukraine by Putin’s forces was simply cowardly. Refer to Mr. Sutherland’s comment above!

      • V.Lind says:

        I wasn’t thinking of Roscic or Vienna in particular. I was thinking of the darts often hurled at actors or singers who speak out on a political issue, compared to the seeming demand that institutions MUST display their colours on issues that, actually, have little to do with them.

        As I said, I am quite happy to see either an institution or an individual do so. (Angelina Jolie may not have been the best exemplar of my point; as you say, she is a fully committed humanitarian). My point is that actors and singers and artists and athletes have as much right as anyone to speak out: they do not check their citizenship at the door when they enter these professions.

        But they get a lot of flack for it. On the other hand if an institution does not make a statement, they get accused of all sorts. It’s irrational.