Royal Opera House musicians go leafletting their audience

Royal Opera House musicians go leafletting their audience


norman lebrecht

October 24, 2023

Struggling with a 10% Covid pay cut that has not been restored, players in the Covent Garden orchestra are taking their case to the often-wealthy audience.

photo: MU


  • Player says:

    This would appear to be genuine, unlike the false reporting a few weeks ago of their wearing these yellow shirts while actually playing in the pit!

    Something that would have got them sacked.

    • J says:

      You clearly have not been there then. Players have been in the pit in yellow T-shirts on a number of occasions over the last month or so.

    • operacentric says:

      False? Really? You should have watched the cinema stream of Das Rheingold… It was pretty evident!

    • Joseph says:

      When I went to a performance of Das Rheingold most of the pit were wearing yellow shirts…

    • LondonRobert says:

      You are talking rubbish or false news. I went to two performances of Das Rheingold when around one third of the players in the pit were wearing highly visible yellow T-shirts. Tony Pappano was not.

      On the way into both performances from the Covent Garden piazza, there were a group of – I supposed – Covent Garden orchestral players wearing the yellow T-shirts and handing out leaflets explaining what was happening.

      On the first occasion, as I mentioned, not all the orchestral players were wearing T-shirts. So, on my second visit, I asked the people at the entrance handing out leaflets whether those people were against the action being taken. I was told that those not wearing yellow T-shirts were freelance players who by the terms of their contract could not not wear evening dress.

    • LondonRobert says:

      I forgot to add that I was also told that the freelance players were wearing yellow ribbons to show their support but, from my seat right at the back of the amphitheatre, I couldn’t see them.

  • Andy says:

    The most recent set of ROH accounts show overall retained reserves of £213m, £80m of which is in cash. So there doesn’t seem to be much excuse for not paying the orchestra correctly.

  • Christopher says:

    You are privileged to have a secure job by comparison with the ENO

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Musicians as liveried servants all over again. Back to the days of Haydn. Just awful. I wish them well.

  • Jj says:

    We are lucky they have not stopping playing, yellow shirts good idea. Did Pappano wear one, I hope so.
    Their ticket prices are the most I’ve ever paid, £310 for Rheingold, what will Walkure be? The orchestra & Pappano were excellent, sadly the same cannot be said about the singing, at best ‘B list’, but 3 or 4 of the performers should not have been on the ROH stage.
    I wonder if all the singers this season have all taken a Covid cut in their fees…..
    FFS just pay the orchestra what they are due and deserve, at every perf I’ve been to, the orchestra get the biggest/loudest applause (as do the ENO orchestra).