Yo Yo Ma joins the Pinkies

Yo Yo Ma joins the Pinkies


norman lebrecht

October 06, 2023

The cellist, a 1980s star of Sesame Street, today joins the cast of Pinkville on WGBH to rehearse its kids in a concerto for five kazoos.

No kidding.

He also plays the Swan.

Watch here:


  • MMcGrath says:

    And your point about one of the world’s greatest cellists collaborating with WGBH Boston is?

  • A.L. says:

    I used to admire and enjoy Ma’s playing until he became a poster child for Public Broadcasting and their agendas. And until he diluted himself by recording and playing what essentially amounts to Muzak. It has been decades. So I stopped listening or caring.

  • Ludwig's Van says:

    Hey, he’s sick and tired of playing Dvorak concerto! Give the guy a break!