Philly opens season with players votes on a knife edge

Philly opens season with players votes on a knife edge


norman lebrecht

September 29, 2023

The Philadelphia Orchestra played its opening night some hours ago with players considering ‘a revised final offer’ from the company that includes a small pay rise.

The players’ votes will counted and announced on Saturday night.

Bassist David Fay, chair of the Orchestra’s members’ committee, said: ‘Our membership has agreed to play our opening night performance while we consider the latest contract, and we’re looking forward to spending this evening with our patrons, volunteers, and board members. We remain hopeful for a positive start to the season that includes a strong and fair contract that puts our wages on par with our peers and at pace with the rate of inflation, so we can continue to produce the finest sound and remain the best orchestra in the world.’

Last night was the first time the orchestra ever turned out with a black principal player, bassist Joseph Conyers.


  • Jacob N. says:

    “The best orchestra in the world”? Hmmm….

  • Gregory Walz says:

    The “best orchestra in the world” thing is always a bit of strange negotiating “tactic.” But, in some way, I suppose it is a useful proposition.

    Nowadays, in the world of full-time or at least nine-month-regular-season orchestras, there really is no such thing. If one even wants to make the argument, it depends on the night, the repertoire, the conductor, the musicians, the audience — so many innumerable factors. If one even accepts the notion.

    But I do listen to the Philadelphia Orchestra broadcasts on WRTI each weekend.

    • Jimbo says:

      Unfortunately the arrogant Phillies think they ARE the best orchestra in the world while their overpaid PR machine continues to bash out the old overhyped and oft repeated cliche “the Philadelphia sound” …..which doesn’t actually exist. One could argue if it ever did, because no one truly agreed on what it actually was……but let’s agree for argument’s sake say that this mysterious thing did. exist …however one has to concur there’s no discernible sound that by hearing it any modern concert goer or broadcast or download listener could in a blind test say…. that is definately the Philadelphia orchestra

  • Smiling Larry says:

    What awful timing. With a major national strike by the United Autoworkers in progress, and the imminent shutdown of the US government, this would be an unpropitious time for the Philadelphia Orchestra to engage in a work stoppage, whatever the justification.