Simon Rattle opens in Munich with home win

Simon Rattle opens in Munich with home win


norman lebrecht

September 22, 2023

An ovated performance of Haydn’s Creation opened Simon Rattle’s tenure last night as music director of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra.

The night before he was with football legend Thomas Müller watching Bayern München defeat Manchester United 4-3, a result that must have warmed his tribal Liverpool heart.

He was also presented with a signed Harry Kane shirt (never got one of those at the LSO).



  • Andreas B. says:

    Football is a most important topic, I know – still, as a side note: Sir Simon conducted Haydn’s Schöpfung, not “Seasons”.

  • Jackson says:

    to ovate = to shape like an egg?

  • Gustavo says:

    Football “legend”!?


  • Gustavo says:

    Can Bavaria please keep classical music, football and the car industry separated.

    Thank you.

    • operacentric says:

      Why? No issues in Italy going to the football in the afternoon and the opera in the evening. Only in the UK is culture deemed elitist and only for the “posh” – because we separate sport, manufacturing and art by class… The more they combine, the better as far as I can see.

      • Gustavo says:

        Well, Italy doesn’t have a hypocritical car industry and a completely self-absorbed football team that tries to improve its otherwise very simple Lederhosen-image through artificially imposed associations with high culture.

        These kind of approaches by prominent representatives of high culture to the common people (the mob) always seem a bit unnatural and stiff.

        I mean, what does the BR hope for? That football hooligans and Oktoberfest visitors storm the concert halls and replace the well-paying established audience? Like the disaster in the Elphi when hordes of inexperienced drunks got in?

        Ultimately, the problems of level differences in an increasingly brutalized society are not really solved.

        I would say that “Hopfen und Malz” have already been lost when it comes to professional football.

        Or can someone here explain to me the higher meaning of football that goes beyond the mere physical exercise, the balancing of social and sexual frustrations, and the forging of nationalistic or local patriotic identity?

        • Tamino says:

          All people, also the „Mob“ as you say, pay „Rundfunkgebühren“.
          It‘s very relevant to be visible and connected to the unwashed masses, should the classical ensembles get under political pressure in the future. In today‘s populist political climate, they are anything but safe in the long term.

  • Andreas B. says:

    also worth noting:
    Rattle is not only BRSO’s new ‘Chefdirigent’ , but of the wonderful BR Chor, as well – making Schöpfung a great choice for his first concert in these roles.

  • John Kelly says:

    Absolutely traitorous! Typical scouser…

  • Heini says:

    Catch it at 3.30 pm CEST Sunday 24th on 3Sat. VPN probably needed if you’re not in Germany.

  • Don Ciccio says:

    ‘historisch-informierte Aufführung’.

    So does this mean with 120 instrumentalist, like it was at the premiere (or was at the second execution? forgot which one)?

    If yes, I regret missing it.

    Who am I kidding…

  • AllesMahler says:

    I watched my team win on Tuesday and look forward to Mahler 6 with BRSO & Rattle in Munich’s Isarphilharmonie next weekend. Unlikely to see Thomas Müller or Harry Kane in the audience, which tends to be more educated & attentive than in London …