Orchestra hires a robot conductor

Orchestra hires a robot conductor


norman lebrecht

June 27, 2023

The National Orchestra of Korea will have a robot take the conductor’s podium on June 30.

The robot, created by the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology will be accompanied by human conductor Choi Soo-yeol, conducting the orchestra both separately and together.

During a media preview at the practice room of the National Orchestra of Korea, EveR6 showcased its capabilities by precisely conducting a fast-paced piece called “Horse thump” with the orchestra.

The robot’s movements are a result of implementing technologies like “motion capture,” which digitizes the trajectory and speed of a human conductor’s baton and applies it to the robot.

Dr. Lee Dong-wook of KITECH explained that EveR6 is a programmed performer, following a predetermined program and executing planned actions. As the project evolves, they aim to develop EveR6 as an auxiliary tool for conductors through data learning.

More here.

Way to go.


  • Sol L Siegel says:

    TOO many potential punch lines.

  • Greg Hlatky says:

    “Can. We. Live. Without. The. Phone. For. Just. One. Damn. Hour?”

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Actually, we’ve been following his career for decades. He’s currently in Hamburg, I think.

  • Robin Blick says:

    What gender?

  • MMcGrath says:

    Hadn’t you already reported on this? The Singaporean guy who salutes when he conducts?

  • Zarathusa says:

    A robot conductor? What’s next? An orchestra of robot musicians playing AI music? Enough already with the “gimmicks”! This is not the solution to the serious problems facing classical music today!

  • Music Lover says:

    Now is this robot going to be AI-enabled, so one can instruct it to “conduct like Klemperer”, “conduct like Furtwängler” and so on? The world has gone mad.

  • TruthHurts says:

    Great news! Not in any way a pointless stupid waste of time! I hope the robot is a woman, so we can promote female conductors and because it’s not getting old etc…. and that it is a minority robot for diversity. Please keep the moronic articles coming!

  • Anthony Guterwicz says:

    Already been done. Undoubtedly better than some so-called professional conductors I’ve played under in my 40 yr. career as a professional musician in a European orchestra.

  • CA says:

    Just the latest stupid gimmick we can live without. F this robotic world that’s gone absolutely bonkers. Get off the technology “crack” before it totally ruins our lives!

  • George Mc says:

    And if we have robot listeners the circle will be complete.

  • Alan says:

    Was the robot programmed to have ego?

  • Lokman says:

    How funny.

  • Robert Holmén says:

    Absurd stunt. If the robot can only reproducing conductor motion and is not preparing the orchestra in rehearsal, it’s not a real conductor.

    I’m reminded of an ensemble here in Dallas that had a “guest conductor” who flailed away with no apparent tempo to his thrashing while they ground their way through a Sousa march.