French orchestra goes on strike

French orchestra goes on strike


norman lebrecht

June 14, 2023

The opera orchestra in the city of Tours went on strike this weekend, fearing job insecurity and falling wage values. More here.

It’s the season for French strikes.


  • Pianofortissimo says:

    French people on strike. Something unheard of!

  • Not neurotic says:

    Lol cue all the comments about French people being lazy and rude. The latter comes from projecting, and the former comes from envy. Unlike Americans for instance, French people care about their work conditions. They have a functioning health care system that doesn’t screw you over every time you have to use it, 35 hour work weeks, paid vacations, etc. Maybe you’re part of the 1% and can’t fathom how much the average American struggles for survival, in which case I suggest you go to Paris for your next vacation, so you can once again take out your pent up anger and insecurities on French people, and forget how much you let your country fail its citizens

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Wrong. The period 1st January – 31st December is the season for French strikes.

  • Edgar R. says:

    How did France end up as such a dysfunctional and unhappy place, where strikes and angry outbursts (tantrums) are a weekly or daily occurrence? By their having probably the developed world’s worst, most archaic and impractical education system, a system that has produced damaged human beings in the millions. The French education system teaches children to always be on the defensive, gives them no self confidence, humiliates them, insults them and cultivates fear and resentment of authority. It is the root of why France is dysfunctional at nearly every level. It was always bad, but with a more globalised world, requiring competitive skills, mastery of languages (with English at the very least), the French are left behind and they suffer from a tremendous inferiority complex and rather than face the reality and change their outdated obscure system, they strike, they constantly complain, always blaming ‘les Anglo-Saxons’ (such an outdated and insulting term), the English language, American culture, capitalism, money, business globalisation…everything that they are inferior at and terribly afraid of. A society based on permanent confrontation and constant social upheaval is doomed to fail, as the rest of the world has moved on in the past ten years, with France looking more and more like an ageing Disney Park with angry guards protecting their past and doing little to prepare for their future. Nice to occasionally visit but to be avoided at all costs for work or searching rewarding human relations.