Look! Matching maestro and concertmaster
OrchestrasThis is conductor Nathalie Stutzmann in rehearsal at the Met with concertmaster Angela Wee.
Do they coordinate wardrobes?
This is conductor Nathalie Stutzmann in rehearsal at the Met with concertmaster Angela Wee.
Do they coordinate wardrobes?
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Why does the maestro always dress like she’s getting ready to paint a garage? I find it hard to imagine she has a musical aesthetic when her visual aesthetic is so unappealing.
Wow, Brian. Just wow!
She doesn’t conform to your expectations for ornamented females… and you question HER aesthetics! Ask yourself what exactly turns you off in her mode of attire… And how you envision her dress so that she would be more acceptable to you… then you might begin to notice what’s problematic in what you wrote above.
fragile much?
I’d complain (and have) if a man were dressed that way to conduct. We are a nation of slobs. It’s embarrassing and pathetic.
Read the Rara Avis comment.
Very educational reply. Thank you. Brian should also be thanking you!
In principal, I agree. However, her appearance in this photo looks like she has just given up… What is cute or trendy on a young person somehow doesn’t quite work later in life, especially when trying to command the respect of an entire ensemble of musicians.
Making music come to life for the listener is a magical process that includes many hours of arduous and tedious rehearsal. This is not the time to be thinking about what to wear. These clothes are ideal for long rehearsals, jacket can be removed if stage or hall gets too stuffy. Performance attire is part of the magic for the audience.
What a load of BS……Thanks God we have gotten rid of this ridiculous”Maestro”cult…..BTW,you should evaluate her musical aesthetic by her concerts and recordings,not her clothing,given you have a certain music apprecation level…Which i highly doubt after this comment
For heaven’s sake, those are everyday work clothes, not concert wear. Now, if she wears blue pajamas on performance night, however…
Regardless of what she is wearing, her “musical aesthetic” is just fine – she is a marvelous musician.
Just BTW,this pic is from a rehearsal,not a concert…,so it´s just a working situation without audience,where everyone can dress as she/he wants….the most important thing is to feel comfortable in rehearsal.
In the Bayreuth pit,the musicians even perform in shorts and t-shirts,because they can´t be seen from the audience and the temperatures are terribly hot.
Well, broaden your imagination then…..
More obsession on what it is that people are wearing. I’d rather read about the music they’re doing.
What a pair of fabulous musicians. Wonderful.
Too cute!
With all due respect, I don’t understand this website’s continually strange obsession with performers’ fashion choices. I couldn’t care less what Yannick wears, what Yuja wears, or what Stutzmann wears; I only care about the musical results they produce. Shouldn’t that be the main objective at the end of the day, rather than how they look? Or am I yelling into the void here?
Erasmus hears you and disagrees: vestis, virum, facit.
This is a classical music gossip site. It is roughly equivalent to the National Enquirer in the U.S., or any of the various gossip rags in England, but for the tiny world of classical music. It is not devoted to some noble artistic purpose; it is here to dish dirt, talk about superficial things, get people revved up over trivialities and innuendos and implications. That’s all you need to know when coming on this website, and knowing it will make it a much more pleasant experience. It is only enraging when one expects it to have some noble intent.
Slow news day…
On YouTube, I stumbled upon a duet from Giulio Cesare with a counter tenor and it is brilliant. I keep listening over and over. Her musical output is the most important thing and it’s ridiculous to equate talent with her sense of fashion, but on the other hand it wouldn’t really hurt her to dress with a little more care. Most of the audience takes the time to dress accordingly for a concert so shouldn’t the Maestro do the same as a matter of mutual respect.
This is from a rehearsal,not a concert
Why is new classical music and new composers not widely known like it was when Beethoven, Mozart and Tchaikovsky were living?
Once again, Norman, may I point out that she is not a Concertmaster, but an Associate Concertmaster?