Hard times for the BBC’s Simon Webb

Hard times for the BBC’s Simon Webb


norman lebrecht

May 03, 2023

At yesterday’s regular meeting between BBC executives and the Musicians Union, the BBC’s head of orchestras and choirs Simon Webb found himself sidelined by a more senior official who was sent by head of content Charlotte Moore to calm the turbulent waters.

The meeting took place at the Orbit Tower (pictured) in London’s Olympic Park. No-one jumped. Nothing was decided. Much was said about savings required in straightened times.

Last week, Webb attended Stephen Maddock’s farewell party at the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra where he worked for five and a half years as director of orchestral management. We understand from those present that quite a few musicians made a point of sending him to Coventry. Feelings still run high about his plan to abolish the BBC Singers and merge two BBC orchestras in one London pool.


  • Mark Fretwell says:

    I think he means “straitened” times, as in restricted, rather than “straightened”, as in not having bends.

  • Sisko24 says:

    When I first clicked on this story, I was wondering why you had a photo of Disneyland or Great Adventure in a column on classical music. The probable reason that no one jumped -as you say – is that they wouldn’t have fallen very far what with all that circling steel superstructure, so why make the effort? (LOL!). Kudos to you for introducing to me ‘sending him to Coventry’. I looked it up and enjoyed the etymology and historical background. Seems as if the English Civil War is breaking out all over again in the arts sector…

  • Herbie G says:

    Surely you meant the remains of the arts sector!