Heart throb violinist gets married

Heart throb violinist gets married


norman lebrecht

April 27, 2023

The English violinist Charlie Siem, who also features as an Armani model, has just got married to super-glam Venetian aristo Countess Viola Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga.

The honeymoon will be short. Charlie, 37, has a recital in Naples on May 4.


  • Luigi Nonono says:

    What vacuity. Style over substance – the modern classical music world.

  • Rustier spoon says:

    Heart throb? Super glam? Debatable I’d say…best wishes to them both though.

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    I saw him perform in London not long ago. He won’t be a violinist for long with his signature neck contortion, rather unfortunate given that he had some talent. Mr Siem, if you’re reading this, take care of your neck and spine, and keep the music going.

    • Simon Scott says:

      Agreed. He can play but for how much longer? His posture is pretty chronic. Time somebody told him.

      • Sue Sonata Form says:

        Quite a few modern pianists – including one VERY well known one – have this problem. Crouching low over the keyboard, contorted expressions and not sitting up straight all the time. These are disastrous postures.

  • RW2013 says:

    Things one does to get a EU passport.

  • FreddyNYC says:

    What’s happened to his career? Seem like I haven’t heard his name since 2016…..

  • Topaz says:

    No one cares.

  • Observer says:

    Will she henceforth be known as Countess Viola Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga-Siem? Now that would be newsworthy.

  • J Barcelo says:

    He and that hunky conductor, Viotti, should team up and do concerts, make cd covers…

  • Bob says:

    Etonian heir to shipping company fortune marries broke aristo…

  • Player says:

    The quietly lusty Slipped Disc maidens will be even more mournful this morning…another dish off the shelf.

  • Mirabelle says:

    Violinist marries Viola. Nice!