Maestro babe: social and personal

Maestro babe: social and personal


norman lebrecht

April 05, 2023

We congratulate the peripatetic French conductor Lionel Bringuier and his partner Alicia on the  birth of a first child.

Lionel is former music director  of the Zurich Tonhalle.


  • James says:

    What the hell is wrong with all these people who share their most private moments with the whole world…?

    I neither understand nor appreciate this exhibitionism!

  • The View from America says:

    Second child, I think.

  • hotclassicalmusicians says:

    second child in fact

  • Antoine MARTIN says:

    Is he still working ?
    Too high, too young ad I have been listening 2 or 3 concerts with LB in Paris . I have’nt been impressed .