A pianist takes the Metro

A pianist takes the Metro


norman lebrecht

December 28, 2022

Khatia Bunistishvili seems to be making a point about using public transport, not wastefil private cars.

As ever, there’s a video crew behind her.

And an album coming up.

And lots of ozone-eating hot air on French television.


  • Antwerp Smerle says:

    Gripping stuff! I’m looking forward to “Khatia Buniatishvili brushes her teeth”, “Khatia Buniatishvili makes a cup of tea” and (as an hommage to Andy Warhol) “Khatia Buniatishvili takes a nap”.

  • Micaela Bonetti says:

    Gaffe aux marches dans le métro, Mademoiselle Buniatishvili! Elles sont traîtres pour les hauts talons!

  • Ludwig's Van says:

    That’s great, Katia! Now, take the Metro to the Conservatoire and get a musical education! Learn rhythm, learn to count and phrase. Learn to caress the keyboard, rather than beat it into a pulp. Learn to express the composer’s intentions, rather than your own primitive aggression. Learn how to make music!

    • Robin says:

      Come on Ludwig’s Van – your comment is just so silly and unfair. Get a grip on your handbrake. Go away and listen carefully to some of the greats on early 78s and you’ll realise that their playing and interpretations can be so variable one could hurl all sorts of silly present day criticisms at them just as you are doing to Khatia.

      • Ludwig's Van says:

        I made objective observations, not criticism. Her keyboard bashings merit no comparison to any keyboard masters of the past. Her “interpretations” are based not on musicianship, but on narcissism and irresponsibility. But she sure is pretty.

        • CRogers says:

          Are you saying the standard of playing is not as good as it was or that she’s promoted for her looks when her playing is unsubtle? If the latter complain to the record company.

  • Omar Goddknowe says:

    Big deal, a lot of Chicago Symphony players took the EL or Subway to Orchestra Hall and have for a long time. No news there

  • Phok says:

    Video crew, mr. Lebrecht?? Looks like a smart phone video. Perhaps you should have your AV person going over your comments?

  • SVM says:

    Many professional musicians use public transport routinely. However, many big names do not, not owing to any snobbery, but because they are carrying an extremely rare or expensive instrument (e.g.: a Strad), whose owner or insurer may ban or restrict its carriage on public transport. (Obviously, this issue does not apply to pianists, who do not carry the instrument around with them.)

    I can also imagine that some top opera singers may avoid public transport (although I happen to know at least one top opera singer, now retired, who used to travel by commuter train regularly, using these journeys to memorise his part) in the hope of to reducing the risk of catching a cold and thus the risk of having to cancel the gig (unlike instrumentalists, singers can be forced to cancel even by a minor cold) — taxis may be expensive, but a top opera singer may come to the conclusion that such expense is preferable to the potentially massive financial loss incurred if he/she has to cancel the gig.

  • Petros Linardos says:

    Khatia Bunistishvili is no Anna Netrebko: she wont’ post a picture of herself catching a taxi.

  • Dan says:

    Ever heard of image stabilization? Apparently the photographer couldn’t afford a GoPro.

  • Yujazz says:

    This tractorette is still more likable than Nudeja and Poony.