Pro-Putin soloist is shut out of Venice

Pro-Putin soloist is shut out of Venice


norman lebrecht

December 28, 2022

The Ukrainian-born pianist Valentina Lisitsa, who has banged the online drum for Putin ever since his 2014 Crimea incursion, has been booked by an independent impresario to give a recital at Teatro La Fenice.

But no sooner was the date announced than the theatre was forced by public pressure to take down the event.

Eruption here.


  • Micaela Bonetti says:

    Scusi, Signora Finzi, presidente di Musikamera,

    Non intendo entrare in merito sulla questione artistica (“Questo matrimonio -concerto- non s’ha da fare?”), scusi, ma Lei vive per caso sulla luna?
    Organizza una stagione concertistica, e non sa delle opinioni politiche della Signora Lisitsa?

    • Micaela Bonetti says:

      Shortened English translation:

      Was asking Mrs Finzi how she could possibly organize a music festival without knowing about Miss Lisitsa’s political opinions.
      Is Mrs Finzi living on the moon?


  • Affreux Jojo says:

    How, a Ukrainian born, dare she express an opinion not validated by the Foreign Office yet shared by a few millions of her fellows?

    • David says:

      Why do so many comments on this site make false equivocations and commit logical fallacies while entirely missing the point? She has the freedom to hold her political opinions and act accordingly. She has the freedom to continue pursuing her artistic activity. However, the public and the organizers also have the freedom to choose who they want to hire/listen to. Please do not misunderstand this as “how dare she express an opinion”. She is free to do so, and she continues to do so, but others also have the freedom to respond, got it?

    • PFmus says:

      Beats me that the Kremlin has rubles for your trolls but nothing to properly feed the conscripts or repair its Potemkin military establishment…

    • Tom Phillips says:

      Sort of a Ukrainian “Judenrat” you mean?

  • just saying says:

    This is ridiculous. If people didn’t want her to perform, then don’t go to her concert. Problem solved.

    • Gotta be kidding says:

      Yeah smart! Let’s have the venue prepare for a concert they know they won’t recompense!
      The amount of money it costs to prepare for a concert in hiring all the artists, the cleaning, the lighting and catering… If Lisitsa is unpopular and more trouble than she’s worth, of course they’re not gonna lose money for her. The arts have it difficult enough lol. Next on smart ideas: a concert on the moon, sponsored by Russia’s favorite: Elon Musk

  • Doublethink says:

    We all know the conflict lacks nuance.

    Russia = bad
    Ukraine = victim

    How dare Lisitsa think freely? Who does she think she is? She should parrot the lines given to her and continue her role as an entertainer-propagandist.

  • Gary Freedman says:

    Regardless, she’s an amazing pianist !! Love her YouTubes !!