Iranian artists stage pro-women concert in Frankfurt

Iranian artists stage pro-women concert in Frankfurt


norman lebrecht

December 09, 2022

The Iranian-Canadian countertenor Cameron Shahbazi (pic) is organising a fundraiser at Frankfurt Opera on Monday for beleaguered Iranian women unnder the title, ‘Woman. Life. Freedom.’

He has lined up a galaxy of supporters and fellow-exiles, among them sopranos Ambur Braid, Lilian Farahani, Kristine Opolais and Giulia Semenzato, mezzo-soprano Anna Bonitatibus, pianists Jeff Cohen and Sophia Muñoz, Mahan Esfahani (harpsichord), Azin Zahedi (flute), Micha Afkham (viola), Kian Soltani (cello) and Naghib Shanbehzadeh (drums).

The acting mayor of Frankfurt Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg will join them on stage.

You can support this initiatiove here.

photo: Kirini Kopcke


  • MMcGrath says:

    And he sings – well – too!!

  • Robin Blick says:

    No doubt there will be some who will call this event ‘Islamophobic’, or maybe funded by Israel.