Luxembourg just loves Currentis new orchestra

Luxembourg just loves Currentis new orchestra


norman lebrecht

October 07, 2022

The so-called ‘Utopia’ orchestra formed from many nations by the Gazprom conductor Teodor Currentzis has received an enthusiastic reception on its first outing in the smallest EU state. A promo piece planted in the Wiener Zeitung warms up Viennese reders for what they might experience this weekend.

Sample quotes:

Stephan Gehmacher, Director General of the Philharmonie Luxembourg, describes the string section as “silver, unbelievably agile”. Together with the directors from Hamburg, Berlin and Vienna, he counts himself among the midwives of Utopia, as “organizers in whom Currentzis has confidence”…

There was absolutely no sign of restraint among the audience in Luxembourg: “The standards of everything I’ve heard so far have been blown up,” said one visitor. There was a striking number of young people in the audience, and in Luxembourg, which is characterized by international influence, there were also numerous people of Russian and Ukrainian origin. Neither the visitors nor the musicians feel that the discussions about Currentzis are necessary, on the contrary: the visible striving for a jointly developed musical result and experience leaves no one unmoved and no one doubts the philanthropic attitude of the conductor. Currentzis himself says: “The only thought I have when I stand in front of the orchestra is that I want to develop the world and myself…’

Vienna-based violinist Christoph Koncz conducted the first rehearsal and is enthusiastic about the choice of musicians: “An open heart, an open mind and enthusiasm for music are the most important things for Teodor. That’s how he feels about himself. We all have very different backgrounds but united in our love for music and the will to create something special…”

Whatever they do, don’t mention the war.


  • I beg your pardon says:

    And why should they mention the war? Music and politics are separate. End of story, goodbye, the end.

  • Marie says:

    How many professional orchestras don’t have players from dozens of nationalities? This of course excludes the yearly organization of national youth orchestras. Yes, Currentzis‘ other orchestra is predominantly Russian, but even there he constantly employs musicians from across the globe. Why are people buying this lame and cheap sales pitch that this orchestra is something new. It isn’t. Shockingly lame and unimaginative marketing scheme. Fine if people want to go for the hype and maybe the music. But nothing is new is being realized with this project.

  • Novagerio says:

    “An open heart, an open mind and enthusiasm for music are the most important things for Teodor” – and well, all you need is someone who pays for it…

  • Achim Mentzel says:

    Has it still not become boring to associate every fart Currentzis lets with the war?