Israeli clarinet wins big Swiss prize

Israeli clarinet wins big Swiss prize


norman lebrecht

July 19, 2022

This year’s Arthur Waser Prize has been awarded to the Tel Avivi clarinettist Jonathan Leibovitz, 25.

He receives 25,000 Swiss francs and a concert with the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra.


  • And yet says:

    Well it seems no one has boycotted Swiss competitions…despite the Swiss being ‘neutral’ during WWII and turned a blind eye to the Nazi regime against Jews.

    Also, no one is boycotting Israelis despite their atrocities against the Palestinians.

    What a hypocritical world we live in.

    • Sheila McLaren says:

      Israel does NOT commit atrocities against Arabs. Do some reading instead of listening to Islamist propaganda. Learn facts before making uninformed comments. During this pandemic Israel vaccinated (free) every willing Arb in the West Bank. doctors could not vaccinate in Gaza because Hamas would have killed them plus every Arab vaccinated by Israelis. wake up, please.

      • And yet says:

        Sheila, shame on you for supporting for supporting Switzerland and their facist views! Shame on you for supporting the genocide of Palestinians! How DARE you defend Ukraine whilst conveniently looking the other way for an implicitly fascist country like Switzerland and Israel! You are nothing but a hypocrite!

  • Frank Needham says:

    Clarinetist won, not clarinet.

  • Sheila McLaren says:

    Delighted to read this, and congratulations to Jonathan Leibovitz.

  • drummerman says:

    If he won such a big prize, why does he look so sad???