Korean women win major cello contests

Korean women win major cello contests


norman lebrecht

June 06, 2022

Hayoung Choi (pictured) has won first prize in the 2022 Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels, taking home 25,000 Euros.

Gaeun Kim, 20, came top in the 37th Irving M. Klein International String Competition, winning $13,000.


  • Geigerin says:

    Oleksiy Shadrin and Yibai Chen were both standouts among their peers in the QE.

  • CJ says:

    Queen ÉliSabeth, not EliZabeth (the international competition was created in 1937 in Brussels at the instigation of Queen Élisabeth of Belgium and the Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye).

    • Micaela Bonetti says:

      Excuse me, CJ: in French there are no accents on capitals !

      • Melisande says:

        Memory aid: Only in English speaking countries as well as families this name is spelled with a Z.

        • CJ says:

          She was from Bavaria and Queen of the Belgians.
          The official name of the competition, in English, is
          “Queen Elisabeth competition”.

      • CJ says:

        Excuse me Micaela Bonetti, but in French there are accents on capital letters (see any printed book), only you couldn’t put them with a writing machine, but with a computer you can, which is just as well, because they can change not only the pronunciation, but the meaning.

        • Tweettweet says:

          But I don’t think it’s a French name in this case, since her father was Bavarian. I am not sure why the French Wikipedia page is spelling her name with an accent aigu. The French name of the competition is ‘Concours Reine Elisabeth’, without an accent.

  • A Musician says:

    Bravo Hayoung!