Unreleased Radu Lupu

Unreleased Radu Lupu

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

June 05, 2022

Courtesy of Mikhail Kaykov.

Must be heard.


  • Eyal Braun says:

    Since his death, many live recordings of Lupu appeared on youtube, and the most interesting are those of works he did not record officially, since he stopped making records in the mid 90th.Not all of these recordings are in decent sound, but some of them are…
    Of these- I would recommend – Schubert D. 850 (very well recorded), Schumann’s Fantasia , Waldszenen and Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Mozart C minor concerto (with Chailly and the Concertgebouw) and A major (with Vegh and the VPO) . I hope there is some unrealesed recordings in Decca archives that might appear one day….

  • ER says:

    Great picture! Looking forward
    to hearing this. Thanks for posting.

  • André P says:

    Beautiful. How could it have been not heard until now?

  • Walter Winterfeldt says:

    I met him after a performance of Beethoven 4th concerto with NY Phil. He told me that he also played the “Wanderer” Fantasy and there may be a live recording out there. A supreme artist.

  • DG says:

    Beautiful. Wish I could have heard him live.