Russia’s loss is Munich’s gain

Russia’s loss is Munich’s gain


norman lebrecht

May 09, 2022

The new director of the Bavarian State Ballet will be the Frenchman Laurent Hilaire, who resigned as head of Moscow’s Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theatre three days after the Ukraine invasion.

He replaces the Russian Igor Zelensky, who quit suddenly ‘for private family reasons’.


  • William Osborne says:

    I hope we will keep a proper measure in our actions. A headline in today’s New York Times: “In schools across Europe, Russian-speaking children face bullying and harassment.” The article describes the beating of an 11 year-old. The students called him a murderer. How incredible that Putin has destroyed Russia’s image for a century to come.

    • guest says:

      What is the purpose of your mentioning child bullying, Mr. Osborne? Are you trying to put your comment beyond the reach of criticism by working children into it? This is an overused trick of the media, so overused I lost count how many times I’ve seen it. What’s next? Mentions of terminally ill people, or any other demographics perceived as helpless? Everybody who has attended school knows that child bullying by other children happens more often than we would like it, for a variety of “reasons”, reasons seldom related to war. For better or worse, children up to a certain age aren’t accountable for their actions in the eyes of the law. This war wasn’t started by children, nor is it fought by children. Children are victims, on both sides, as are adult civilian Ukrainians and Ukrainians soldiers, and Russian soldiers.

      I’d like to know how two or three case of child bullying came to be inflated by the media to “in schools across Europe.” Is there a statistic? If so I must have missed it.

      • William Osborne says:

        Here’s the article in the NYT in case the above anonymous coward or anyone else wants to read it.

        • guest says:

          I read the article before commenting, don’t you worry. Do you really believe adults need your help to find the NYT page, in this time and age? But nice to see you resort to another overused trick, namely piling ad hominem on your conversation partner when you don’t have arguments. Let’s return to your whataboutism. Try to forget my ‘offending’ anonymity and concentrate on what I wrote. Tell us how the NYT article relates to NL’s post about a change of leadership at the Bavarian State Ballet. The NYT has published an article about the upcoming change of leadership at American Ballet Theatre too, yet you somehow missed it, I assume? But good to know you didn’t miss an article reporting, alongside one serious issue, about teenagers insulting each other or throwing empty energy drink cans at other teenagers. There are more than one billion children and young teenagers on this planet. Every day thousands of them throw small things at others or insult each other, none of these newsworthy. Haven’t you wondered how come the NY Times tracked down these particular ‘news’? I will enlighten you. It’s not the NY Times who tracked down the news, it’s the news who tracked down the NY Times, or possibly a third rate newspaper first. It is the type of ‘news’ that can’t be verified, that nobody bothers to check. It’s the type of ‘news’ you print when you badly need more ‘cases’. Yes, this is the type of journalism NY Times is heading to.

          Just in case you consider replying and try to change the topic again, I let you know I will ask you again how does your whataboutism relate to NL’s post.