German government pays $1 million to bring over New York Philharmonic

German government pays $1 million to bring over New York Philharmonic


norman lebrecht

March 15, 2022

The New York Philharmonic has a May residency at the Usedom Music Festival, on the Baltic island of Usedom in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, its first performances abroad since 2019.

The German press agency DPA adds: The American guest performance is financed without sponsors, according to (festival director, Thomas Hummel… The Ministry of Economic Affairs bears the 910,000 euro investment, which is also intended to promote tourism in the country.

Next Washington’s going to pay for a Berlin Philharmonic date at Carnegie Hall?


  • music lover says:

    Other than Washington,Germany loves culture!

  • Looking forward to your zoomerei today from the Museum.

  • Fenway says:

    I wonder how many subs will be in the band…and will jaap show up?

  • Musician says:

    I bet the original plan was very different and it was the Nord Stream that was to pay for all of this. And why? Just imagine the way it may have gone. Putin attacks Ukraine. The gas is flowing through Nord Stream 2 so he does not have to worry about Ukraine anymore. The huge amount of money is flowing to Russia and Nord Stream, as well as some private pockets in Germany. And what is the missing piece? Calming down the Western consience. Certainly it was worth that amount of money. But the Ukrainians turned out to be much braver than anybody expected. And the West had to switch off Nord Stream 2 when it was no longer possible to hide that it was a weapon in that war. And now the German government has to foot the huge bill for bringing the top world orchestra to some German provincial town to keep face and the people from Usedom Festival and from Baltic Sea Philharmonic have to pretend they have not known what had been happening under their very eyes for the last 14 years. The history must be laughing! Well, it would if it was not for the many Ukrainians being killed everyday now.

  • guest says:

    What waste of taxpayer money. Was there no other orchestra for hire? Plenty of orchestras in Germany and the Baltic states, yet they had to bring in an overseas orchestra.

    • FYI, those taxpayers sold out the concerts the moment they were announced and a handsome profit was made thanks to people who support and love the arts. I would say that the storied New York Philharmonic is worth it and 1o times as much.

      • guest says:

        It’s sold out? Are you kidding me? You can get ticket to all concerts. I include links to available tickets for the first and last concert. March 15th, 4 pm GMT, just half of the hall sold out.

        • Fri 20.05.2022 at 20:00

          1. Peenemünder Konzert
          New York Philharmonic, Jan Lisiecki (Klavier), Jaap van Zweden (Dirigent)


          Historisch-Technisches Museum

          More info
          Dieses Konzert ist ausverkauft.

          Sat 21.05.2022 at 10:00

          2. Peenemünder Konzert
          New York Philharmonic, Anne-Sophie Mutter (Violine), Jaap van Zweden (Dirigent)


          Historisch-Technisches Museum

          More info
          Dieses Konzert ist ausverkauft.

        • Deutschland Ziele
          Nur noch Restkarten für exklusive Residenz des New York Philharmonic auf Usedom erhältlich

          15. Dezember 2021 reisemag

          Zwei Konzerte ausverkauft, Restkarten für drittes Konzert telefonisch buchbar
          New York Philharmonic unter der Leitung von Chefdirigent Jaap van Zweden vom 20. bis 22. Mai 2022 im Kraftwerk Peenemünde auf Usedom mit Weltstars der Klassik
          Der Vorverkauf für die exklusive Residenz des New York Philharmonic unter der Leitung von Jaap van Zweden im Kraftwerk Peenemünde des Historisch-Technischen Museums auf Usedom startete mit einem prestissimo, die musikalische Bezeichnung für ein äußerst schnelles Tempo. Nach Öffnung des exklusiven Vorverkaufs für schnelle Interessenten waren bereits zwei Konzerte in wenigen Tagen ausverkauft. Für das dritte gibt es nur noch einige Restkarten.

          „Wir waren überwältigt von dem Ansturm auf unser Kartenkontingent. Nie hätten wir damit gerechnet, dass das Konzert mit dem New York Philharmonic und der Violinistin Anne-Sophie Mutter nach wenigen Stunden ausverkauft sein würde und nach wenigen Tagen nunmehr auch die Karten für das Eröffnungskonzert mit dem Pianisten Jan Lisiecki und Musikerinnen und Musikern des Baltic Sea Philharmonic restlos vergeben sind“, freut sich Thomas Hummel, der Intendant des Usedomer Musikfestivals, das die Residenz des Weltklasseorchesters auf Usedom ausrichtet. Für das Abschlusskonzert am 22. Mai um 13:00 Uhr mit dem bedeutenden US-amerikanischen Bariton Thomas Hampson gibt es aber noch einige Restplätze in den besten Kategorien eins und zwei beschwichtigt Hummel all diejenigen, die nicht schnell genug waren. Interessenten können sich dafür im Kartenbüro des Usedomer Musikfestivals unter der Telefonnummer 038378 34647 melden.

          Für den Tourismus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ist dies ein besonderes Achtungszeichen, sagt Tobias Woitendorf, Geschäftsführer des Tourismusverbandes MV: „Die exklusive Europa-Residenz des New York Philharmonic bringt die besten Seiten unseres Bundeslandes zum Klingen und das mit internationaler Ausstrahlung. Wir freuen uns, dass wir mit dem Usedomer Musikfestival einen Partner gefunden haben, der dieses historische Ereignis gebührend ausrichten kann.“

          Die unerwartet große Nachfrage nach Karten im niedrig- und mittelpreisigen Segment motiviert das Team des Usedomer Musikfestivals, an weiteren Möglichkeiten zu arbeiten, Interessenten Musikerlebnisse mit dem in der globalen Topliga spielenden New York Philharmonic und seinem Chefdirigenten Jaap van Zweden zu ermöglichen. Informationen hierzu werden schnellstmöglich bekanntgegeben.

          Über die exklusive Europa-Residenz des New York Philharmonic auf Usedom
          Das New York Philharmonic verwandelt Usedom im Jahr seines 180-jährigen Jubiläums unter der Leitung seines Chefdirigenten Jaap van Zweden mit völkerverbindender Musik in eine Insel der Freiheit. Anlässlich des 80-jährigen Jubiläums der Unterzeichnung der Deklaration der Vereinten Nationen und der Feier „20 Jahre Peenemünder Konzerte des Usedomer Musikfestivals“ laden das Usedomer Musikfestival und der Tourismusverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Historisch-Technischen Museum Peenemünde und Dorn Music zu der mehrtägigen Residenz des weltbekannten Orchesters vom 20. bis 22. Mai 2022 ein.

          In drei Peenemünder Konzerten erfüllen dann die vom Geist der Freiheit, des Friedens und der Vielfalt getragenen Klänge des New York Philharmonic das historische Kraftwerk auf dem Gelände der ehemaligen Heeresversuchsanstalten Peenemünde, Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns größtes Industriedenkmal. Als Solisten erleben Besucher mit der Violinistin Anne-Sophie Mutter, dem US-amerikanischen Bariton Thomas Hampson und dem polnisch-kanadischen Pianisten Jan Lisiecki Weltstars der Klassik. Im Projekt side by side spielen Musiker des durch das Usedomer Musikfestival gegründeten Orchesters Baltic Sea Philharmonic gemeinsam mit dem traditionsreichen New York Philharmonic zur Eröffnung der Residenz am 20. Mai 2022.

          Das Projekt wird durch das Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern aus Mitteln der Europäischen Union gefördert.
          Weitere Informationen:

          • Maria says:

            Please can you translate. This is predominantly a British site followed by English-speaking Americans and beyond! No point publishing an essay length reply in German.

          • I offered a condensed translation as given by the publication

          • Just found this for you Maria

            Only remaining tickets for the exclusive residency of the New York Philharmonic on Usedom are available
            December 15, 2021 travel mag
            press releases

            | No. 81

            American baritone Thomas Hampson © Jiyang Chen

            Two concerts are sold out, remaining tickets for the third concert can be booked by telephone
            New York Philharmonic under the direction of chief conductor Jaap van Zweden from May 20th to 22nd, 2022 in the Peenemünde power plant on Usedom with world stars of classical music
            The presale for the exclusive residency of the New York Philharmonic under the direction of Jaap van Zweden in the Peenemünde power plant of the Historical-Technical Museum on Usedom started with a prestissimo , the musical term for an extremely fast tempo. After opening the exclusive pre-sale for interested parties, two concerts were already sold out in a few days. For the third there are only a few remaining tickets.

            “We were overwhelmed by the rush for our ticket contingent. We never expected that the concert with the New York Philharmonic and violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter would be sold out after a few hours, and that after a few days the tickets for the opening concert with pianist Jan Lisiecki and musicians from the Baltic Sea would also be sold out Philharmonic are completely taken,” says Thomas Hummel , the director of the Usedom Music Festival, which organizes the residence of the world-class orchestra on Usedom. For the final concert on May 22nd at 1:00 p.m. with the eminent American baritone Thomas Hampsonbut there are still a few remaining places in the best categories one and two, Hummel appeases all those who weren’t fast enough. Interested parties can contact the Usedom Music Festival ticket office on 038378 34647 .

            This is a special sign of respect for tourism in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, says Tobias Woitendorf, Managing Director of the MV Tourist Association: “The exclusive European residency of the New York Philharmonic brings the best sides of our state to the fore and with international appeal. We are pleased that we have found a partner in the Usedom Music Festival who can properly organize this historic event.”

            The unexpectedly high demand for tickets in the low and medium-price segment motivates the team at the Usedom Music Festival to work on further possibilities to enable interested parties to experience music with the New York Philharmonic, which plays in the global top league, and its chief conductor Jaap van Zweden . Information on this will be announced as soon as possible.

            About the New York Philharmonic’s exclusive European residency on Usedom In the year of its 180th anniversary, the New York Philharmonic is transforming Usedom into an island of freedom under the direction of its chief conductor
            Jaap van Zweden with music that brings people together. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Declaration and the celebration of ” 20 years of the Usedom Music Festival in Peenemünde “, the Usedom Music Festival and the Mecklenburg-Western Pomeranian Tourist Board , in cooperation with the Historical-Technical Museum of Peenemünde and Dorn Music , invite you to the multi-day residency of the world-renowned orchestra from May 20th to 22nd, 2022.

            In three concerts in Peenemünde, the sounds of the New York Philharmonic, carried by the spirit of freedom , peace and diversity , will fill the historic power plant on the site of the former Peenemünde Army Research Institute, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s largest industrial monument. As soloists, visitors experience world stars of classical music with violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter , US baritone Thomas Hampson and Polish-Canadian pianist Jan Lisiecki . In the side by side project , musicians from the Baltic Sea Philharmonic Orchestra , which was founded by the Usedom Music Festival, playtogether with the traditional New York Philharmonic for the opening of the residency on May 20, 2022.

            The project is funded by the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania with funds from the European Union.
            Further information:

          • John Borstlap says:

            Overwhelming evidence that a hughe majority of German people is of the opinion, that the NY Phil with its MD is a fantastic orchestra and very much worthwhile to go hearing, even in the countryside. While there are so many top orchestras in the country. Van Zweden is a conductor of the serious, Middle-European type, no-nonsense, intense – no kitsch, no superficial glamour, and always trying to get under the surface. But the music lovers who miss the kitsch, should go somewhere else, there’s enough of that around.

        • The presale for the exclusive residency of the New York Philharmonic under the direction of Jaap van Zweden in the Peenemünde power plant of the Historical-Technical Museum on Usedom started with a prestissimo , the musical term for an extremely fast tempo. After opening the exclusive pre-sale for interested parties, two concerts were already sold out in a few days. For the third there are only a few remaining tickets.

          “We were overwhelmed by the rush for our ticket contingent. We never expected that the concert with the New York Philharmonic and violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter would be sold out after a few hours, and that after a few days the tickets for the opening concert with pianist Jan Lisiecki and musicians from the Baltic Sea would also be sold out Philharmonic are completely taken,” says Thomas Hummel , the director of the Usedom Music Festival, which organizes the residence of the world-class orchestra on Usedom

      • guest says:

        The events I posted in my previous reply are in Sept-Oct., at the Usedom Music Festival.

        NL’s writea about a residency to the Usedom Music Festival, but links to an article promoting an even in May, at the Peenemünde Historical-Technical Museum. The event in May is a _special_ concert by the Usedom Music Festival, but not part of the festival’s regular programme.

        Would you link to your source stating the handsome profit?

        • We aren’t speaking of the same thing so any link or reply is, I am very sorry to say, pointless. However, there are over 2000 “ausverkauft” x 3 = 6000 ausverkauft + seats plus seats to open rehearsals, which are still available. Included in he more than handsome financial profit is the opportunity to share an aesthetic musical experience, keeping in mind that man does not live by bread alone. What I cannot say is exactly where the funding came from in terms of tax payers or IG Farben, Mercedes or Siemens or you.

          1994-2022 AND BEYOND

          Angela Merkel: “The Usedom Music Festival not only brings the island to life, but an entire region to life. In fact, the cultural island of Usedom is part of a large family that is not separated by the Baltic Sea.”
          “Ineffable Sounds in a Haunted Place”

          The Usedom Music Festival – with the generous support of the German Federal State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – will present The New York Philharmonic conducted by Jaap van Zweden, in 3 concerts on May 20, 21, and 22, 2022, in Peenemünde to commemorate 2 decades of concerts in the erstwhile Nazi power plant.

          • guest says:

            We are talking about the same thing, or rather, I talk about both things just in case, the regular Usedom Festival and the May extra gig. My first comment was about the regular festival, the next about the May gig.

            “However, there are over 2000 “ausverkauft” x 3 = 6000 ausverkauft + seats plus seats to open rehearsals, which are still available. Included in he more than handsome financial profit”
            Helene, if you believe that 2000 seats x 3 performances = 6000 seats, multiplied with 60-90 EUR (average ticket price in Germany), results in 900,000 plus profit, you should consider going back to school.

          • let’s add in how much the 6000 + guests and visitors spend while on the Island and Usedom. My advanced education tells me we’re talking millions. And no, we are definitely not speaking the same language. Memories are priceless and can’t be measured in euros, dollars, pesos. lira, zloty or whatever currency you’d care to argue about.

          • guest says:

            Oh, so now it’s your advanced education telling you “we” are going to make a plus? I thought you have a source?
            My advanced education tells me that the target audience for such events are day tourists, who are going to hit the car park, the ferry, or the railway station first thing after concert. The orchestra will get overpriced accommodations in Peenemünde for a week, but the concert audience will hit the road after concert. Not much to see in Peenemünde, Helene, despite your wish for people to join in a bit of history. Your approach to entertainment is the castor oil approach to arts. People can join in a bit of history also by reading books or watching docus, a pilgrimage to Peneemünde isn’t a must. Even allowing for an overpriced meal or two for the 6,000, and the odd museum visit pre-concert, we’re still far from the 900,000 paid for the orchestra. The New York Phils and gasoline importers, on the other hand, are going to make a nice packet financed by the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, and possibly the European Union.

          • you are so very wrong on every level and i am not going to waste any more energy on your unadvanced, inexperienced nonesense crystal ball education. trying to communicate cold hard facts with you is like talking to a brick wall.

          • guest says:

            If those “hard facts” are the product of your “advanced education” edged on by your wishful thinking and the advertising in the press, better stop.
            By the way, I have counted the seats in the Historisch-Technisches Museum Peenemünde from the online seating plan, and I came up with 1170-1180 instead of 2000. Just saying. I wonder where you got the 2000 x3? From your advanced education, no doubt.


            Die mehr als 3000 Plätze der Konzerte in Peenemünde sind den Angaben zufolge fast ausverkauft. Nach dem großen Besucheransturm habe es zahlreiche Anfragen von Musikliebhabern aus ganz Deutschland und Europa gegeben, die nicht schnell genug Karten für die regulären Konzerte erwerben konnten, sagte Festival-Intendant Thomas Hummel. Mit der Erweiterung gebe es nun knapp 2000 weitere Plätze.

    • Maria says:

      Name some of the same calibre and popularity in the world?

      • Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, the Israel Philhamonic, etc. they all tour and perform regularly in major venues throughout the USA including Carnegie Hall on 57th Street in the big apple.

    • guest says:

      Whataboutism much? I commented about taxpayer money, not about what you consider to be popular or world calibre. Had they invited a national orchestra, the taxpayer money would at least benefit musicians employed in Germany, who are paid with taxpayer money. When a festival is sponsored by companies or individuals, pay whomever you want with that, but when it is financed with taxpayer money, a bit of responsibility wouldn’t come amiss, particularly when the country in question isn’t musical hinterland and doesn’t lack good orchestras.

    • The project is funded by the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania with funds from the European Union.

      • guest says:

        Last time you wrote it was funded by the Federal state of Germany and Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. Let’s agree it is funded by Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, and EU. I hope you are not going to include the US too in a future post.

        And the state funds of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern come from the flourishing economy of the state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? You are confusing them with Silicon Valley. If they had a flourishing economy there would be no need for festivals and Angela Merkel quotes. It’s nice for Germany and the European Union to help them, but it isn’t nice for the lion share of the funds to finance the well being of people who don’t live in Germany and not even in the EU.

        • in that case, i vote to limit the influx of mediocre germanic orchestras and musicians in the us….why should i support german musicians with my hard earned money by purchasing concert tickets to hear them. and while we’re at it, no more USA conservatory scholarships or teaching post to german students and german teacher. when they come knocking. you simply have no clue and it’s really shameful that you think you do.

          • guest says:

            What a wonderful democracy the US is, in which the population is called to vote for the smallest issues. An example to all of us. Direct democracy in action. Oh wait, that’s Switzerland.
            After voting you can perhaps decide where you belong. A few posts back you were “we” with Peenemünde, now you are “I” with the US.

  • Rocket Science says:

    Peenemünde and its Nazi scientists make a peculiar object of veneration, the more so with a NYPhil visit.

    • 2022 celebrates 20 Years of Peenemuende concerts under the motto “Peace, Diversity and Freedom”. “The cultural exchange is an important cornerstone of the transatlantic relationship,” said Darion Keith Akins, Consul General of the USA in Hamburg, at a press conference in Schwerin. The three-day guest performance is a special concert by the Usedom Music Festival, which, according to its director Thomas Hummel, has been working towards the visit for more than ten years.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        Well, I hope the visit gets canceled. It is German propaganda. We have no business supporting anything honoring Peenemünde.

        And shame on the NYPhil for allowing itself to be bought AGAIN, just as happened with the 2008 Pyongyang visit.

        I buy my butter from Meck-Pomm, and that is all we need from the place. The rockets were designed to kill the Allies. Remember?

        • No one is hiding the fact that Peenemuende was a former Nazi ballistic missile site created to help AH in his sick quest to conquer the world….nor the V1 and V2 rockets that destroyed parts of London, etc, etc. etc. etc. etc. least of all ME. However, the German government has really attempted to make amends – which is hardly possible in certain cases – but the attempt I feel needs to be whole heartedly recognized in terms of sane and sincere reconciliation…Never forget, never put it behind you….but try try try to keep in mind that Germany is a good friend to Israel and as Anne Frank wrote in diary: “in spite of it all, I still believe people are good at heart.” Ravel set it to music “fraygt di welt a alte kashe….tra la la la la” Everyday of my life I ask myself, how? why? there is no answer but to live and to go on and to try.

        • The Eternal Question performed here by the late Jessye Norman

        • John Borstlap says:

          What a nonsense.

          To keep the memory of the nazis alive in such way that never ever something good may happen in or about Germany, is the same mindset as the nazis themselves. What happened in history is NOT of the making of present generations. If my father were a murderer, it is not me who is going to jail. If my country happened to be reigned by Napoleon who invaded the neighbours, it is not for me to feel personally guilty. If my forefather in the 16th century beat his wife, I’m not a misogynist. Etc. etc…

  • Gustavo says:

    The most important piece of information hidden here is that Anne-Sophie Mutter and NYP will be performing “her” violin concerto by André Previn in a place where Hitler built rockets.

    • John Borstlap says:

      Another burb produced by some misguided brain wave.

      First, Hitler had not the faintest idea how to build rockets. Therefore he hired scientists who considered their scientific work morally neutral.

      Second, places don’t have moral connotations. There are squares which witnessed terrible things, like the Parisian Place de la Concorde, and which are, nowadays, morally entirely clean and enjoyed for what they are.

  • CA says:

    $1 million isn’t that much when once considers the actual costs to bring over well more than 100 people, their instruments all kinds of supporting equipment and personnel PLUS meet the musicians’ payroll for that period.

    • JB says:

      You are right, it isn’t that much. But why the heck should German taxpayers fund a US orchestra ? The US would NEVER spend public dollars on a European orchestra. I am also surprised that green-minded Germans are not appalled by the insane carbon footprint of such concerts.

      • In fact by using funds received from the National Endwoment for the Arts, etc. the US is funding great presenting organizations who bring over let’s say the Vienna Phil, etc.

        • JB says:

          Let’s take the example of Carnegie Hall: In 2019 it had revenues of $114M, out of which $441k government money. That’s peanuts. And the NAE will NEVER give one of its specific project grants to a European orchestra.

      • John Borstlap says:

        The orchestra is not flying at all, the players come over on sailing ships and air balloons. Therefore some space has been built-in into the schedule, in case weather conditions create delays. And the conductor is travelling by train from Amsterdam, and won’t breath during the journey to reduce CO2 emission. During rehearsels the woodwinds and brass will only breath in and not out, for the same reason. All of this has been required by the local Green Party.

    • guest says:

      There is no need to bring over 100 people to play for a 2,000 audience, even an orchestra of 50 can be too loud. Even considering the 100 orchestra, 9,000 per person is a bit much just for flight, accommodations, and three concerts. They are not putting up the Ritz, and this is Peenemünde, not Tokyo, New York, London, or Paris.

      • and yet, more than 6000 people bought tickets to hear the New York Philharmonic, adding to German tourism. sorry you won’t be there to join in a bit of history. It’s not an everyday experience.

        • guest says:

          Whataboutism much, Helene? How about replying to my comment about orchestra oversize and costs?

          As to people buying tickets, 99% of the day tourists who are the typical target audience of such events, don’t know the New York Phils, or any quality orchestra, from a high school band.
          “Joining in a bit of history” – your crusade on SD in general and and in this comment section in particular gets a bit tiresome. It’s a free world. You are free to comment, as are readers free to wish you’d take a break. You try too hard, Helene. Every time something even remotely connected with WW II gets posted on SD, there’s Helene and her guilt trips. People know history without your help.

          • provide a link for such BS referring to the 99%

          • guest says:

            Sorry, I forgot we’re talking 2,000 people (That is, _you_ are talking 2000 people. I am talking 1170-1180 people according to seating plan.) In this case it’s 99.9%, and I’m not very sure even about that one odd man left. This is an open secret, Helene, as open as Gergiev being Putin’s man, and equally inconvenient, so everybody is looking the other way. No link for you because neither the industry nor audiences want this in print. It would harm the sales of the industry, and it’s embarrassing for audiences. Ask a friend to play for you five different recordings you are not familiar with, by five contemporary orchestras, without telling you who’s playing, and let’s see if you can identify _any_ of them, never mind the New York Phil. Otto Normalverbraucher knows even less about music than Helene Kamioner, but he is too embarrassed to own it. Better pay and pretend you know the difference, but try for a bargain first. A quote from the article you linked to in one of your previous posts “Die unerwartet große Nachfrage nach Karten im niedrig- und mittelpreisigen Segment.” Niedrig- und mittelpreisigen Segment, Helene. It’s like ordering expensive wine in the restaurant, the sommelier makes a show of presenting the wine, Otto Normalverbraucher sniffs at it, nods sagely without knowing to what, and pays with an inward sigh. He Would have been equally happy with a table wine, or a beer.)

          • good luck with your Kampf. Appell is over

      • stayhomemuch and listen to your cd’s?

        • guest says:

          Your comment smacks of “I don’t have any arguments, so let’s turn this discussion into discussing the poster, not the post.”

          No, Helene. I don’t sit at home listening to CD’s. I’m not even driving my car listening to my phone, this being the 21st century. CD’s are out, but not old enough to make a comeback as vintage recordings like the comeback vinyls currently enjoy. There’s plenty of classical music live events for people to attend, it doesn’t have to be your castor oil approach to arts. This is what angers you.

          I’m out here. You may continue with your fantasies about what people who don’t share your opinions do in their private life, but I don’t think you will get many posters to join you in your speculations.

  • I’m surprised just one million will cover that.

  • Kyle Wiedmeyer says:

    There are so many great American orchestras, I wish it wasn’t always the same ones to be invited internationally, or to tour regularly at all

  • Franz says:

    Don’t do it. Bad for the environment and you have a great(er) orchestra just around the corner!

  • Liam. Allan-Dalgleish says:

    I wrote a long reply and technology destroyed it. There’s a lesson in that.

  • President Birgit Hesse travels to New York on a promotional tour for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

    In mid-May, the New York Philharmonic will come to Mecklenburg-West Pomerania for 3 concerts which State President Birgit Hesse envisions as a starting signal for culture and tourism with international appeal

    After two years of massively restricted offers in culture and tourism due to corona, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to bring itself back into the international tourism picture: particularly by means of exclusive guest performances of the New York Philharmonic in mid-May on Usedom. Laying the groundwork for this endeavor, Birgit Hesse will travel to New York from March 20th to 24th in her dual function as President of the State Parliament and the Tourist Association.

    “We want and have to signal as many markets as possible that we are looking forward to welcoming guests from near and far in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,” said Hesse. President Hesse perceives the unique opportunity to draw attention to Mecklenburg-West Pomerania as a vacation destination in connection with the concerts of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. “The orchestra’s performances in our federal state attract attention that we want to use,” said Hesse. The American guest performance is financed without sponsors, according to festival director, Thomas Hummel. The Ministry of Economic Affairs bears a 910,000 euro investment, which is also intended to promote tourism in the country.

    In addition to a joint press conference by the State Tourism Association and the Usedom Music Festival with representatives of the Philharmonic, further meetings are planned in New York. Among other things, Hesse will meet with the Speaker of the House in New York State as well as the President of the American Council on Germany, a non-governmental organization for strengthening German-American relations.

    As announced in December, 2021, the New York Philharmonic will be guests at the Historical-Technical Museum Peenemünde on Usedom from May 20th to 22nd under the motto “Peace, Diversity and Freedom”. The three-day guest performance is a special concert of the Usedom Music Festival, which, according to director Thomas Hummel, has been in the works for more than ten years, and came about with the participation of the US Consul General in Hamburg and Dorn Music.

    The three concerts take place on historic ground, the site of the former army research institute in Peenemünde, where the Nazis developed and tested their rockets. The museum commemorates both the terror and suffering associated with the V-weapons and the technical developments that continued in the USA after the end of the World War II.

  • From DPA
    Deutsche Presse Agentur

    Guest performance of the New York Philharmonic is expanded

    10.03.2022, 12:31 clock

    Due to high demand, the guest performance of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra is expanded on the island Usedom. In addition to the three previously planned concerts in Peenemünde there are two additional chamber concerts in the Kaiserbad Heringsdorf and Wolgast, as the Usedom Music Festival announced on Thursday. These are organized together with the Baltic Sea Philharmonic. Prior to the concerts in Peenemünde with the Violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter, a public dress rehearsal was also planned.

    Gastspiel der New Yorker Philharmoniker wird ausgeweitet
    10.03.2022, 12:31 Uhr
    Wegen hoher Nachfrage wird das Gastspiel des New York Philharmonic Orchestra auf der Insel Usedom ausgeweitet. Neben den drei bisher geplanten Konzerten in Peenemünde wird es zwei zusätzliche Kammerkonzerte im Kaiserbad Heringsdorf und in Wolgast geben, wie das Usedomer Musikfestival am Donnerstag mitteilte. Diese werden demnach zusammen mit der Baltic Sea Philharmonic veranstaltet. Vor den Konzerten in Peenemünde mit der Violinistin Anne-Sophie Mutter sei zudem eine öffentliche Generalprobe vorgesehen.