Gergiev’s former orchestra is raising funds for Ukraine

Gergiev’s former orchestra is raising funds for Ukraine


norman lebrecht

March 03, 2022

The Munich Philharmonic has initiated a benefit concert next Tuesday at the Isarphilharmonie ‘out of solidarity with the Ukrainian victims and those who have suffered from the illegal Russian attack on Ukraine.’

The rejection of Gergiev couldn’t be clearer than that.

Anne-Sophe Mutter will giver her services as soloist in the Beethoven concerto and members of the Bavarian State Opera orchestra and the radio orchestra will also take part.

The conductor is Lahav Shani, of the Israel and Rotterdam philharmonic orchestras.





  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    Wonder what has happened to his oldest son who is/was studying piano at Boston?

    • Brettermeier says:

      He should be given a choice:

      Publicly denounce Putin and Putin’s War – or watch the downfall of Russia live from St Petersburg.

  • Onkel Hausfrau says:

    The MPhil is not the only orchestra involved. The ‘Benefizkonzert’ is a cooperation of the MPhil, BRSO and the Staatsoper:

  • EM says:

    Lahav Shani ? Israel is not pro-Ukrainian…is neutral…
    But may be he feels differently

  • Piano Lover says:

    …So is Barenboim on this coming sunday.
    Norman will certainly announce this officially.