Two composers emerge from 20th century ruins

Two composers emerge from 20th century ruins


norman lebrecht

July 17, 2020

From the new Lebrecht Album of the Week:

The only connection between these composers is their victimisation and the last syllable of their names. Both were silenced for political reasons; neither has found due recognition…

Read on here.

And here.

And here (espagnol)

And here (czech)



  • Brettermeier says:

    Interesting. I don’t have either composer in my collection. Will give them a try.

    PS: The second link isn’t working.
    PPS: And, of course, the same still goes for your logo when scrolled down on this site. It’s not THAT hard to fix.

  • Le Křenek du jour says:

    Thank you for the pointer, Mr. Lebrecht.

    The story of Hanuš (or, as I knew of him while working many years ago on „Entartete Musik” in the BR archives, ‘Hans’) Winterberg is a real shocker. Poignant, as you say, but even more full of twists. It turns out that much of what I was told at the time was incorrect, or made up.

    Michael Haas at “Forbidden Music” tells the gripping narrative that now emerges from the archives.

    Which ought to remind us that things rarely are as they seem, and seldom as we are told.

  • Norman, you write of Hans Winterberg’s scores that ‘after prolonged court action, his son obtained their release’. In fact, it was his grandson, Peter Kreitmeir, who managed to prise them into the open. We have released a first volume of Winterberg’s piano music on Toccata Classics and another of chamber music — with lots more to go!

  • vno says:

    One question: what is a factual connection between Feinberg/Winterberg and ruins of Warsaw in the picture?

  • fflambeau says:

    Lots of wonderful composers were marginalized; largely due to the corporate structure. Alan Hovhaness, for one, never has gotten the recognition he richly deserves. Only now is he being played more and more.