A second Canadian orchestra suspends its musicians

A second Canadian orchestra suspends its musicians


norman lebrecht

March 20, 2020

A day behind Winnipeg, the Calgary Symphony has set  66 musicians and 18 staff loose without pay.

More here.

Vancouver Symphony, by contrast, has sent out this notice:

…please rest assured that payroll remains unaffected. All of us are aware that large numbers of arts organization across Canada, including symphony orchestras, have begun layoffs. We are leaving no stone unturned as we analyse our VSO situation in order to make the very best decision moving forward.

As Angela Merkel so eloquently stated yesterday – this is a war without a human enemy. Like Angela Merkel, I am asking for sacrifice, discipline and heroic acts of kindness. I’m also asking for acts of creativity. Please work with Neil to ensure we disseminate our music virtually. Music is the best gift we are able to offer to provide comfort and joy throughout this troubling time. We can own this.

Stay safe and healthy.

Angela Elster


  • Mustafa Kandan says:

    Spanish flu lasted I think about two years. Hopefully with the measures in place this may take less than that. It will be a total disaster for the arts, airlines, tourism and hospitality industries. Just like at the end of each world war, we have to reconstruct our world anew at the end of this crisis (the most significant in my own lifetime).