Putin sends his cellist courier to Beijing

Putin sends his cellist courier to Beijing


norman lebrecht

October 20, 2019

Remember Sergei Roldugin?

He’s the cellist pal of Vladimir Putin who was exposed in the Panama Papers as the man who shuttles the Russian president’s dirty money to banks where it can never be traced.

Well, Putin has just sent Roldugin to Beijing.

Supposedly to celebrate 70 years of Russia-China diplomatic relations.




  • Esther Cavett says:

    There’s a Meryl Steep film just out on Netflix ‘The Laundromat’ about the Panama Papers, which I recommend to all SD readers. It makes a lot of things clear.

  • miles away says:

    Says it all about the Chinese and audio engineers.

    Not ONE but TWO stupid mics for one cellist, as usual in exactly the wrong place, bit like that cellist who always appears like a deer in headlights.

    There’s loads of jokes about this wannabe Rostropovich all over the Russian expat community.
