Andsnes: It’s pneumonia
mainThe Mahler Chamber Orchestra has replaced Leif-Ove Andsnes on its present tour with this statement:
Leif Ove Andsnes is recovering from pneumonia and with enormous regret must withdraw from his remaining concerts on the Mozart Momentum 1785/1786 tour with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra in France and Portugal.
This tour was to have been the launch of his Mozart Momentum 1785/1786 project with the orchestra so it is especially disappointing for him.
Lars Vogt has jumped in.
Where do you catch pneumonia? In planes.
And Lars Vogt is not chopped liver either. He is an outstanding pianist, if it needed saying. For example, his Goldberg Variations stand out amid stiff competition past and present.
Pneumonia are many different things, can be caught multiple circumstances, especially the atypical ones. All the best to Leif Ove, who would never cancel unless when forced to. Are you a certified MD now mr. Lebrecht, or did you just forget the question mark after “In planes.” ??