Andsnes: It’s pneumonia

Andsnes: It’s pneumonia


norman lebrecht

May 16, 2019

The Mahler Chamber Orchestra has replaced Leif-Ove Andsnes on its present tour with this statement:


Leif Ove Andsnes is recovering from pneumonia and with enormous regret must withdraw from his remaining concerts on the Mozart Momentum 1785/1786 tour with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra in France and Portugal.

This tour was to have been the launch of his Mozart Momentum 1785/1786 project with the orchestra so it is especially disappointing for him.


Lars Vogt has jumped in.

Where do you catch pneumonia? In planes.


  • Caravaggio says:

    And Lars Vogt is not chopped liver either. He is an outstanding pianist, if it needed saying. For example, his Goldberg Variations stand out amid stiff competition past and present.

  • Hokland says:

    Pneumonia are many different things, can be caught multiple circumstances, especially the atypical ones. All the best to Leif Ove, who would never cancel unless when forced to. Are you a certified MD now mr. Lebrecht, or did you just forget the question mark after “In planes.” ??