Opera contest is ratings hit in China

Opera contest is ratings hit in China


norman lebrecht

January 06, 2019

Hunan Television and internet producer iQiyi have a ratings hit in Super Vocal, a contest for opera singers that is presently ranked as the fifth most watched reality TV show in China.

The original 36 contestants are about to be whittled down to six.

Read on here.


  • Ninedragonspot says:

    The show can be found on YouTube under its Chinese name 声入人心

    There are also quite a few Chinese TV programs with competitions for various forms of traditional Chinese opera. One of my favorites is Shanxi TV’s 走进大戏台. Master performers from across China compete in 伶人王中王. The evergreen opera program 梨园春 from Henan TV often has ongoing competitions. I’ve seen similar programs from Xi’an, Anhui, and Wuhan.

    • Antonia says:

      This is magnificent! Thank you for sharing about it. If only American enthusiasm could be captured for opera in this same way!