Joshua Bell: Playing violin is like doing Rubik’s Cube

Joshua Bell: Playing violin is like doing Rubik’s Cube


norman lebrecht

October 27, 2015

‘I wouldn’t say I was a workaholic, but what I had—and still have—is a slightly obsessive nature for solving problems. Like, when I was 12, I was really into the Rubik’s Cube, and would try to figure out faster and faster ways to do it. So when I would get down to working, I wouldn’t stop until I figured something out. I think playing the violin is a lot like a puzzle, and I think my obsessive nature is what helped with my getting things done.’

From an interesting interview on The Chicago Maroon.  

joshua bell bognar


  • milka says:

    From subway triumphs to the cube ,no stopping this great puzzle solver .

  • FreddyNYC says:

    Guess he’s still trying to solve how to get a decent tone out of his $5 million instrument……

  • James of Thames says:

    Playing a musical instrument is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. After a while you get a sense of what the picture is like, then you realize that the puzzle has no edges; it just keeps going and you never finish it.