Vienna Philharmonic calls third set of concertmaster auditions

Vienna Philharmonic calls third set of concertmaster auditions


norman lebrecht

September 13, 2015

They are struggling to replace the iconic Rainer Küchl, who is being asked to stay on for an extra year, having reached 65 last month. The obvious candidates within the Philharmonic have tried and been found wanting.


vienna phil audition2

Announcement hereKonzertmeister/in Im Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper/ Wiener Philharmoniker ist folgende Stelle zu besetzen: Eine Konzertmeisterin Geplanter Probespieltermin: 15. und 16. Dezember 2015


  • Karen Fodor says:

    Any women auditioning ? That would be something – a VPO concertmistress

    • Andrew Condon says:

      They have one already of course. There are pictures posted on the orchestra’s Facebook page on 25th June showing the previous candidates going through the process – so far unsuccessfully, hence the forthcoming 3rd set of auditions in December.

  • Doug says:

    I find this another example of a wave of indecision and fear of exercising judgement washing over the “industry”. From auditions for the orchestra to those of management, they not only drag their feet at coming to a decision but often as a result of their fears, they end up with the lowest common denominator. Class, race and gender identity politics people…!

    • M2N2K says:

      Unless you present convincing evidence that they failed to hire an outstanding virtuoso who auditioned for the job and whose playing at the audition had all of the violinistic and musical qualities that they seek to have in their next Concertmaster, your comment makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.