Social and personal: Baby girl for top countertenor

Social and personal: Baby girl for top countertenor


norman lebrecht

August 09, 2015

We’re delighted to announce the birth of a baby girl, their first child, to the pianist and harpsichordist Tamar Halperin and her husband, the countertenor Andreas Scholl.

Tamar tells us: ‘For now, let us just reveal that it’s a healthy and very cute baby girl. Other details (her name, favorite composer, instrument, and field of expertise) to come later….’

tamar halperin andreas scholl
(very recent pic)



  • Mike Schachter says:

    How nice to read some good news!

  • Ks. Cristopher Robson says:

    So that makes Two daughters for Andreas 🙂 Lovely 🙂