Madrid announces Gerard Mortier’s last show

Madrid announces Gerard Mortier’s last show


norman lebrecht

January 29, 2015

Just in:

 El Público, confessional and homoerotic drama by Federico García Lorca, will have its first operatic version in the Teatro Real, from the hand of composer Mauricio Sotelo

Commissioned by Gerard Mortier for the Teatro Real
World premiere the 24th of February


With the participation of the cantaores Arcángel and Jesús Méndez, bailaor Rubén Olmo, guitarist Cañizares and percussionist Agustín Diasera


Music direction by Pablo-Heras Casado


Mauricio Sotelo’s new opera counts with a libretto by writer and musician Andrés Ibáñez, true to the essence of the intricate drama by García Lorca.


The score presents a rich palette of sound universes, in which the Western operatic tradition is brought together with flamenco and modern electronic techniques, to evoke the different dimensions of the play.


A multicultural artistic team with Mexican-American scene director Robert Castro, African American choreographer Darrell Grand Moultrie, German stage designer Alexander Polzin and Polish costume designer Wojciech Dziedzic, will recall Lorca’s universality.


A very diverse group of performers, with cantaors, singers, dancers and actors, with the prestigious orchestra Klangforum Wien and the Coro Titular del Teatro Real, under the direction of Pablo-Heras Casado, Principal Guest Conductor of the Teatro Real.


In parallel with the world premiere of El Público, the Teatro Real will offer on the 28th of February the flamenco concert“Ritos y geografías para Federico García Lorca”, with Rocío Márquez, Pepe Habichuela and Arcángel, and on the 1st of February a concert dedicated to the Generation of ’27, included in the series ‘Domingos de cámara’.


The Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid, the Instituto Cervantes, and the Federico García Lorca Foundation in Granada have united with the Teatro Real to develop a program revolving around García Lorca.


The Teatro Real will offer 8 performances of the opera, with a single cast, 24 and 26 February, and 1, 4, 6, 9, 11 and 13 March.




  • pianoronald says:

    And no Domingo involved?