Watch: Building worker stops traffic with Puccini aria

Watch: Building worker stops traffic with Puccini aria


norman lebrecht

March 07, 2017

Davi Oliveira, 22, was going about his drilling on a Sydney building site when a mate, Patrick Keating, persuaded him last week to take a Nessun Dorma break. Since then, he’s been all over the national news.

Davi, who’s from Brazil, is trying to raise enough cash in Australia so he can study music back home.

Have a listen.


  • Dominic Stafford Uglow says:

    Of our clients: Giorgio Zancanaro was policeman before he studied singing and Ken Collins made glass eyes.

  • Mikey says:

    He really does need to study and be tutored in singing technique. His over-the-top vibrato is absolutely atrocious.
    While the instrument underneath may be good, he has to learn to play it correctly.

  • Juan Matamoros says:

    Good luck Davi ! I would suggest not to sing while doing that kind of work, not good for vocal chords stay hydrated as much as you can try to get a sponsor-grant to study music and vocal technique.