Look who’s dropped by at the New York Philharmonic

Look who’s dropped by at the New York Philharmonic


norman lebrecht

September 04, 2014


kurt masur

Kurt Masur, 87, the last music director but one, came by with his wife, Tomoko, to take a look at old Mendessohn scores in the archive.

Any from Mendelssohn’s lifetime?


  • Barbara Haws says:

    The NY Philharmonic first performed Mendelssohn, Overture to “Midsummer Night’s Dream”, during its first season in 1843. The first edition score and parts from that time are still in the Archives. Maestro Masur was looking through the score for the Symphony No. 4, a first edition purchased by the Orchestra shortly after it was posthumously published in 1851. This particular score is interesting as it wound up in Leonard Bernstein’s private collection (his initials are in the lower left corner on first page) with some of the markings purported to be those of Arturo Toscanini. If anyone can tell us something about the markings or score, we’d love to hear. The score can be viewed in our New York Philharmonic Leon Levy Digital Archives at http://tinyurl.com/mz7xvcg. Thanks.

  • newyorker says:

    I really wish you’d figure out a way to post larger photos on your site. What is the problem there? I can’t see this.