US jazz bassist has bow seized over ivory concerns

US jazz bassist has bow seized over ivory concerns


norman lebrecht

June 25, 2014

Arriving in Saskatoon, Canada for a concert, Christian McBride found his bow was missing. He posted on Facebook:


Now that it’s confirmed, I can tell you that good ol’ TSA confiscated (aka STOLE) my brand new bow right out of my hard case yesterday. I arrived in Saskatoon only to find the bow missing inside the case to my Lemur Travel Bass. Maybe they thought it was a weapon (idiotic), or they were looking for ivory, of which there wasn’t any. I will get to the bottom of this.


When will the Obama Administration recognise that the TSA is out of control?



  • Doug says:

    McBride better be careful, an IRS audit may be in his future. They may even ask to see the hard drive on his home computer, the one he recycled years ago.

  • Edgar Brenninkmeyer says:

    That would be a classic Soviet response, wouldn’t it?

  • Olaugh Turchev says:

    US Vice-President Joe Biden said it yesterday: “I don’t care what your culture is”… It was about supporting gays over entire countries’ culture, traditions… But man, what will it be about next time?

  • Elizabeth says:

    I’m glad my husband has switched his bow tips to silver. An expensive solution, but if there’s going to be fear every time we travel, it’s worth the peace of mind. How unfortunate that these officials find it necessary to seize these bows at all….