Maestro says he’s got Parkinsons after musicians demand his dismissal

Maestro says he’s got Parkinsons after musicians demand his dismissal


norman lebrecht

October 25, 2016

Musicians in the Mexico City Symphony Orchestra have voted for their veteran chief conductor Enrique Batiz to be dismissed after a history of clashes and, they say, money wasting.

Batiz, 74, has told local media he has been suffering for the past five years from Parkinsons Disease.

He has been music director since the orchestra was founded in 1971.




  • Olassus says:

    Orquesta Filarmónica de la Ciudad de México was founded in 1978. Fernando Lozano Rodríguez was first music director. Later came Eduardo Mata.

  • Alberich says:

    Lousy conductor, Mexican Music Mafia.
    Frankly I wish nobody any bad sickness, but now him to blame his sickness on musicians??? Oh my God! That is sick!

  • Michael Emmerson says:

    Enrique Batiz is music director of the ‘Estado de Mexico’ Symphony (based in Toluca) not the City of Mexico Symphony (which does not exist).

    • Ixchel Suarez says:

      Ask Batiz who IN FACT was the true founder, creator of the OSEM…the one who actually put everything together from the beginning…who did ALL the auditions. The planning, the admin…..and why…”por dedazo”.. was Batiz appointed its director since then. Ask musicians who where thete from the beginning…still some…Who was Manuel Suarez!

  • Norman Thibodeau says:

    Bátiz indeed was the founding director of the OSEM (Orquesta Sinfónica del Estado de México) and has been the director for many years now, but not continuously since 1971. He had a stint as director of the Mexico City Philharmonic, then returned to the OSEM. I was a member of the OSEM from 2000 to 2003, and have friends still in the orchestra who informed me about the Parkinson’s a few years back.

  • Paul Miller says:

    I am the principal horn of this Orchestra and have held this position since 2002. I feel that I must correct some of the information which is incorrect or misleading about this note. First of all, we are the Mexico State Symphony Orchestra (Orquesta Sinfonica del Estado de Mexico, OSEM). The state of Mexico surrounds the Mexico City Federal District on three sides. We are located in the state capital, Toluca, not Mexico City. Second, as far as I know, Maestro Batiz has only recently publicly confirmed anything about any condition he may suffer from. We have all noticed that he has aged through the years, but who hasn’t? Unfortunately the way the headline of this note was written, one might conclude that he is blaming the musicians of the orchestra for his condition and that is not the case. Finally, recently in the press someone has claimed that the musicians of the OSEM have signed a letter demanding that Maestro Batiz be removed from his post as Music Director. (There was never a vote.)

    I am neither going to defend nor condemn Maestro Batiz. His reputation and legacy can speak for themselves. I can tell you that I don’t know (or even know of) anyone who has signed any letter making any such demand. If such a letter exists (something which many of my colleagues question), it was done anonymously. In any case, if anyone has been left with the impression that it was signed by members of the orchestra en masse, I can state categorically that that impression is absolutely false. There is no such letter signed by a significant number of members of the OSEM.

    For myself, I am proud of the reputation that our institution has earned over the years and resent anyone who would publicly make such a claim, especially in an anonymous fashion. I will only add that I am speaking as an individual and do not claim to speak on behalf of anyone else in making this response.

    Paul Miller

    • Claudia says:

      I was impressed by your eloquent comments from a few years ago. I just read them. TKM, my 2nd husband, told me he’d been in touch with you on Facebook. I really don’t like Facebook; I don’t trust them. Hope you’re happy in your return to Toluca!!!

  • An Osem musician says:

    First off, as has been stated there is no Mexico City symphony. Batiz is the founder and director of the state of Mexico symphony based in Toluca.

    Secondly, there has been no vote of any kind by anyone in the Osem. That is not our tradition.

    This is all hearsay and quite frankly, just plain disrespectful to the maestro and the musicians. Come to our concerts and judge for yourself but stop spreading this awful gossip please.

  • Paul Miller says:

    I’m not sure why a previous comment about this that I tried to post hasn’t appeared, but it didn’t. My main point was that there was never a vote by the musicians to get rid of Maestro Batiz. There was a report in the press of a letter signed by musicians demanding that the Maestro be replaced, but I don’t know of anyone who signed it. I don’t know of anyone who was asked to sign it or even anyone who had even seen it previous to its existence being reported. There is a letter being circulated to support Batiz and many musicians have signed that. I did not and do not intend to. I don’t sign letters except those which support the OSEM.

    Paul Miller

  • George Brown says:

    There’s an intriguing public Facebook group site folks would do well to check out entitled We Survived OSEM (which is the Spanish acronym for Mexican State Symphony Orch).

    Some mighty Interesting stories on those threads there about Batiz and life in that band, going back to the 70’s.

  • christopher Czaja Sager says:

    I wish Enrique improved health and …serenity.
    How difficult for him, his family and friends to have this unpleasant and tasteless campaign!
    I know Enrique since our student years at the Juilliard School: a wonderful person, gifted pianist and conductor!

    • Irina Chistiakova says:

      Leti Cardona,
      Could you be so kind and stop spaming, please? That’s disgusting!!!

      I’ve played with the Orquesta sinfonica del estado de Mexico for 7 years, I deeply respect the orchestra and maestro Batiz. What is going on now is SHAME. Maestro is a great musician and amazing person, the orchestra was founded by him, and he deserves to work with it as long as he wishes.
      I will add that I’m sure, the paper with votes from the orchestra musicians doesn’t exist.
      I hate gossips and misunderstanding.
      Maestro Batiz may count on my support.

      Irina Chistiakova

  • Suonatore says:

    There was NO such a letter. Musicians of the OSEM didn’t vote for maestro Bátiz to be dismissed. Those are gossips!
    Maestro feels very good, and the only letter, which exists, is a letter supporting Enrique Bátiz.

    • Dalia Kuznecovaitė says:

      I have been working with OSEM and Maestro Batiz since the year 2008. I am pretty sure that all this is only gossips and I believe no word which was written in this article. I know all musicians of OSEM and I am sure that there was no such a letter.
      Maestro Batiz is amazing musician and great person and he may count on my support.

      • Luis Manuel García says:

        This is the text in its entirety that was written in a letter signed by 80 members (musicians) on the OSEM, dated November 3rd of 2016 and was presented to Mtro. Enrique Bátiz to indicate our total support and trust in his term as our Principal Conductor.

        Luis Manuel García Peña
        Principal Second Violins

        Los que suscribimos, miembros de la Orquesta Sinfónica del estado de México hemos leído la nota que el Sr. Humberto Musacchio público el lunes 17 de octubre en Excélsior, donde equivocadamente y sin una investigación a fondo, de forma anónima y agresiva algunos compañeros nuestros piden la renuncia de nuestro Director Titular.
        Aunque el anonimato descalifica la publicación y sólo nos deja una idea de un pobre rigor periodístico, su contenido implica intereses totalmente personales que no reflejan nuestro sentir. Entendemos que estar al frente de una institución como lo es una Orquesta causa aceptación y controversia.
        Una gran mayoría de los que integramos la OSEM hemos colaborado con el Mtro. Bátiz por más de veinte años. Si esto en una relación cotidiana es notable, en nuestra Orquesta es clara muestra de que, a pesar de los desacuerdos y conflictos, existe un vínculo sólido que nos complementa para hacer buena música. Esto es precisamente lo que nos mantiene juntos.
        La calidad, capacidad y carácter de nuestro Director está más que probada, si esto no fuera así no se daría esta simbiosis con la Orquesta, lo que nos motiva a ser mejores músicos cada día buscando la excelencia musical en cada presentación.
        Sí, la excelencia musical es parte toral de la filosofía del Mtro. Bátiz y la Orquesta, esa no es negociable. No es una empresa nada fácil pero creemos que vamos por buen camino. Hemos viajado por varias partes del mundo tratando de poner siempre en alto el nombre de nuestra Institución y de México. Nos enorgullece leer las buenas crónicas publicadas después de cada concierto tanto en Europa, República Popular de China y los Estados Unidos de América. El buen resultado de nuestra labor es, cuando el público nos premia con su reconocimiento y aplauso. Aplauso que es espontáneo y no se compra. Esto debido a un altísimo nivel de calidad musical, producto de un trabajo serio y profesional.
        Mucho nos extraña que de momento se pretenda alterar el buen camino que hemos llevado hasta el día de hoy en paz y tranquilidad, vertiendo opiniones que en nada nos benefician y con las que no estamos de acuerdo. Entendemos que las diferencias de pensamiento y la diversidad de opiniones están presentes en cada ámbito de nuestras vidas y en la OSEM no es la excepción, éstas serán bienvenidas cuando se hagan de una manera frontal mediante el diálogo, la concertación y conciliación, condenamos rotundamente que se haga a través del anonimato.
        Extendemos el siguiente escrito para que continúe con su labor al brindarle nuestro apoyo y confianza a nuestro Director Titular que por más de treinta y ocho años ha llevado las riendas de ésta gran Institución como lo es la OSEM.

  • Luis Mauel Garcia says:

    This is the text in its entirety that was written in a letter signed by 80 members (musicians) on the OSEM, dated November 3rd of 2016 and was presented to Mtro. Enrique Bátiz to indicate our total support and trust in his term as our Principal Conductor.

    Luis Manuel García Peña
    Principal Second Violins

    Toluca, México a 3 de noviembre de 2016

    Los que suscribimos, miembros de la Orquesta Sinfónica del estado de México hemos leído la nota que el Sr. Humberto Musacchio público el lunes 17 de octubre en Excélsior, donde equivocadamente y sin una investigación a fondo, de forma anónima y agresiva algunos compañeros nuestros piden la renuncia de nuestro Director Titular.
    Aunque el anonimato descalifica la publicación y sólo nos deja una idea de un pobre rigor periodístico, su contenido implica intereses totalmente personales que no reflejan nuestro sentir. Entendemos que estar al frente de una institución como lo es una Orquesta causa aceptación y controversia.
    Una gran mayoría de los que integramos la OSEM hemos colaborado con el Mtro. Bátiz por más de veinte años. Si esto en una relación cotidiana es notable, en nuestra Orquesta es clara muestra de que, a pesar de los desacuerdos y conflictos, existe un vínculo sólido que nos complementa para hacer buena música. Esto es precisamente lo que nos mantiene juntos.
    La calidad, capacidad y carácter de nuestro Director está más que probada, si esto no fuera así no se daría esta simbiosis con la Orquesta, lo que nos motiva a ser mejores músicos cada día buscando la excelencia musical en cada presentación.
    Sí, la excelencia musical es parte toral de la filosofía del Mtro. Bátiz y la Orquesta, esa no es negociable. No es una empresa nada fácil pero creemos que vamos por buen camino. Hemos viajado por varias partes del mundo tratando de poner siempre en alto el nombre de nuestra Institución y de México. Nos enorgullece leer las buenas crónicas publicadas después de cada concierto tanto en Europa, República Popular de China y los Estados Unidos de América. El buen resultado de nuestra labor es, cuando el público nos premia con su reconocimiento y aplauso. Aplauso que es espontáneo y no se compra. Esto debido a un altísimo nivel de calidad musical, producto de un trabajo serio y profesional.
    Mucho nos extraña que de momento se pretenda alterar el buen camino que hemos llevado hasta el día de hoy en paz y tranquilidad, vertiendo opiniones que en nada nos benefician y con las que no estamos de acuerdo. Entendemos que las diferencias de pensamiento y la diversidad de opiniones están presentes en cada ámbito de nuestras vidas y en la OSEM no es la excepción, éstas serán bienvenidas cuando se hagan de una manera frontal mediante el diálogo, la concertación y conciliación, condenamos rotundamente que se haga a través del anonimato.
    Extendemos el siguiente escrito para que continúe con su labor al brindarle nuestro apoyo y confianza a nuestro Director Titular que por más de treinta y ocho años ha llevado las riendas de ésta gran Institución como lo es la OSEM.

  • Mitch Gordon says:

    I met Enrique Batiz when he was guest conductor with the National Orchestral Association (NOA) at Carnegie Hall, when I was Orchestra Manager, Personnel Manager and Librarian (very small staff in those days), of that ensemble, around 1985. His conducting was brilliant and I have followed his work since then and he has created a huge body of recorded works. In that day he invited me to consider recruiting American musicians for him to Mexico and I turned him down. There is now way of knowing if that was a good or bad choice for me, but the ensemble (OSEM) thrived in any case. I went on to manage the Indianapolis Symphony with John Nelson and then Raymond Leppard, although I have been away from that business for several years. It saddens me that such a talented man as Maestro Batiz is now stricken with such a debilitating disease. I can only wish him well and offer prayers for health and well being, as much can be expected these days.