Germany’s #1 cuture city is … (not Berlin)
mainResearch published today by the Berenberg Bank and the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) has turned up a shift in the ranking of the country’s major cultural hubs.
The ranking is based on economic criteria of production and consumption – how many people work in the cultural sector and how many buy its products.
The top city in production (and overall) is … Stuttgart.
The #1 city in reception (but 6th in production ) is… Munich.
In Stuttgart 7.6 percent of social insurance contributions are paid in by employees in the cultural industry. In Munich the figure is 7%, Cologne 5.9%, Hamburg 5.1% and Berlin 5%.Berlin, with 37,000 artists, has the highest number of employed cultural workers.
Here are the top five cities in the overall ranking:
1 Stuttgart
2 Munich
3 Dresden
4 Berlin
5 Bonn
Hamburg is 7th, Frankfurt 11th, Leipzig 15th.
Dear Norman,
The first five cities are unaltered since 2014, but newly in 6th place is… Karlsruhe. Proud of this relatively small and (outside of Germany) little-known city punching so far above its weight.