Music director is jailed for defrauding his mother

Music director is jailed for defrauding his mother


norman lebrecht

September 02, 2016

The former music director of Opera Omaha has been sent to prison for one to two years for stealing $113,000 from his mother, who has dementia and lives in a care home.

John C. Gawf resigned from the opera on July 18, two weeks after the case was made public. He took the money to feed a gambling addiction, he said, expressing great remorse.



  • Wai kit leung says:

    Did he do this to get free room and board?

  • Leah says:

    How about some privacy? Let’s respect someone’s privacy when things aren’t going well. This doesn’t need to be on this website.
    Positive news about the wonderful things at Opera Omaha and how J has been involved might be a good follow up story.