Muhammad Ali plays the piano

Muhammad Ali plays the piano


norman lebrecht

June 09, 2016

Lebrecht Music & Arts has just acquired Don Hunstein’s unique photographs of Muhammad Ali, known as Cassius Clay at the time, recording his ‘I Am the Greatest!’ album at the Columbia Records 30th Street New York Studios in August 1963, six months before winning the world heavyweight championship.

Can anyone help us identify the dates for the photographs where he is wearing a striped shirt? We believe it’s March 1964. Is there anyone out there who was at that recording and can confirm this?

© D. Hunstein/Lebrecht Music & Arts muhammad ali

muhammad ali2


  • Holly Golightly says:

    So, presumably he was able to hit something other than another human being. Versatile.

  • Mick says:

    I wonder if he was any better at it than another great sportsman who is currently the Russian president.